Monday, September 12, 2016

Adalee made it through the night!

We had a crazy busy weekend...

especially Sunday...

I played the game much can I pack into one day....and Sunday was it! Whew!

Adalee made it through the night with us and we had a back to back to back to back full fun weekend!

The BEST part was celebrating Lily's birthday party! {pictures coming soon for that!} :)

These two had so much fun playing and 'spending the night' with each other! Addie was super excited to go to Church and lunch with us! :)
They are showing off their 'BFF' necklaces. Alexis got these necklaces a long time ago and just hasnt been able to give Addie hers yet....until this weekend! :) And they also made 'BFF' bracelets too! :) me...'wanna be big'...birthday party girl wanted a picture too!
Lily's sweet friends at Church. Elyse and Jaycee were super excited to see her when she came in! They wanted SOOO bad to tell Lily what they got her for her birthday party! ha!
After Church we let Lily pick where she wanted to go to lunch since it was her 'birthday party' day and she chose Yamoto! We all approved and it was good! :)
After lunch and after we dropped Adalee off...........we celebrated this little Owl! {Post on her birthday party coming soon!} {Im worn out!} :)
Love this little girl with allllll of my heart!

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