Saturday, September 10, 2016

Wow....a short week!

Well, you think everyone is supposed to love a short work week....

well, I dont so much because for some crazy..dumb...reason, it makes the week seem SO long!

This is how the Law crew feels after a 'short' week! :)

The week got to this little Eagle! :)
Thursday night ballet/jazz shenanigans! :) Alexis begged for me to take a picture of her holding her leg! She is SO proud that she can do this now! It looks great and look at her with that toe pointed! :) Dont ask me what Lily's pose is! She likes to come up with some pretty crazy poses these days! :)
It is finally Friday! Tickles wanted in the picture!
Dont ask me again what Lily is doing with her pose! She was being SUPER silly!
We went to our 1st JSU volleyball game of the season and enjoyed cheering on the Gamecocks!

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