Saturday, September 24, 2016

BIG Eagle win at Homecoming!

First and foremost...........

it was HOOOTTTT!!

Oh my goodness! Record highs today and boy we felt it!

I was soaking wet when I got home! :)

But, we had a great game and great win and the cutest escort around! :)

Homecoming! Look how much they have grown! I love seeing them against this sign and seeing how much they have changed! :)
The megaphones turned out SOOOO cute and so did the footballs! Alexis has proudly put hers in her room in the 'perfect' spot! :)
Lily found her name out of all of them! I didnt even realize she had found it but she did and ran up to me to take a picture of her too with hers. I am super proud she found her name.....but it isnt her megaphone. There is a 'big Lily' on the squad!..........
Alexis and Caroline! Sweet friends!
Alexis and Caden. This is his second year to escort her. She wanted him to do it again because she said that he did such a GREAT job last year! ha! Neither one of them will admit that they like each other! They are super sweet together! Alexis said she 'kind of' likes him because he is so sweet and funny! :)
Getting ready to go out on the field!
Introducing Alexis Kayte Law! The daughter of Tyler and Amber Law. She is in the 3rd grade and escorted by Caden Loos! :) :)
Some of the Homecoming line! :)
I love this picture because he surprised her with flowers and candy {her favorite kind of candy too :)} and he was explaining it all to her when I snapped this picture! She was turning blushing bright red and grinning from ear to ear with happiness! :)
She is now proudly displaying the flowers in her room with a pretty vase right now too! :)
Sweet friends!
Some of the B-Team Eagle cheerleaders! Even though it was a HOT game...they all did great and we all survived out there! {barely!} :) The Eagles WON 20-0 against Cherokee County! Whhhoooo hooo!

 I LOVE this picture! OH my they are doing sooooo awesome and they are blowing the other team's cheerleaders OUT of the water! SO proud! :)

Lily is ready for the Auburn game against LSU! GOOOO AUBURN! :) We are now at home resting and BOY....AUBURN WON!! AUBURN WON!! AUBURN beat LSU!! You want to talk about a NAIL biter and down to the last second game.............I have had 10 heart attacks in the past 5 minutes of watching the end of the game! LSU scored with literally 0 seconds left...but after review, the refs overturned the touchdown leaving Auburn still ahead to win since the clock ran out! WAARRR Eagle! :)
My beautiful little Auburn cheerleader!
Look at them during Alexis' first Homecoming!! Circa-2014!

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