Saturday, September 10, 2016

Football times 3!

Football and football and more football!

The B-team had a night game tonight and it was so fun! I love the atmosphere of night games....and the fact that it isnt sooooo hot out there either!

Pumped to say that B-team STOMPED Rainbow City tonight! PUMPED to say that Auburn whooped Arkansas State and PUMPED to say that JSU is playing awesome against LSU right now!

SUPER huge game for JSU tonight and they are playing sooo well against LSU. Will have to stay tuned to see what the final score is! :)

Earlier in the day we went to Henley's 2nd birthday party over at the Terrell's house and Lily sported her AU attire! :)
Game time! Love these girls!
3 mini cheerleaders! :) :)
Alexis in ACTION! {Scroll through the pictures quickly and it will seem like a video!} ha!

Eagles WIN! Alexis loved having everyone come watch her cheer! {Pawpaw came too, he just was on up with Daddy!} :)
Alexis was super excited that Adalee spent the night with us after the game! :)
And here they are! Per Addie, Alexis said she was tired and wanted to go to sleep so Addie said that she couldnt because during a sleepover you are SUPPOSED to stay up ALLLLL night long! :)
She is going to Church with us in the I made a deal with them that they could stay up REALLY 'late' but still get some rest when I say it is time! Well, right now it is 10:30 and I am about to go in there and get them to bed. :)
On a side note, I struck a 'deal' with Addie that if she would say 'ready' whenever I ask her to 'call a cheer' during the games that she could spend the night with Alexis!! {Because she was super shy and nervous and didnt want to ever start chants during the games} So, as soon as I 'struck the deal' with her....she says 'OKAY, I will say ready when you ask WHEN can I spend the night with Alexis?!?!?!' haha! So, needless to say....that was last weekend and so here we are THIS weekend! :) :) And, come to find out...this is her very first time to spend the night away from home....and it is with us! :)

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