Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Words with friends..that is the best!..along with Halloween decorations!

Today was day 2 of Homecoming week and Alexis is loving this week! Lily isnt really sure about it or understands it but Alexis does and today was super fun {per her} to make different words with her friends! :)

Also, I decided to go ahead and get down my Halloween decorations because it is one of my most favorite holidays to decorate for! I LOVE all things...pumpkin....witches {cute and nice/sweet ones!} ghosts...the oranges and 'Fall' colors! I love it ALL! :)

Tyler made a point to say that I was not allowed to buy anymore Halloween decorations as he was helping me get it all down from the attic because per him, I have WAY toooo much!

I beg to differ! :)

I just love these two more than they will ever....ever...know!
Alexis and some of her sweet sweet friends!
Caroline...Lettie...Lex...Savannah and Sara Kate
Alexis loves Mrs. Green! Mrs. Green loved going around all day making fun words with everyone! :)

I just had to go ahead and start decorating! I have a little bit more to do as well as put out the decor outside...but I am loving it! I love how each year I try to 'revamp' what I have and use it different ways!
I love how I added the lights this time. The two 'carved' pumpkins look soooo good with them lit up!
My mantle is super fun! Alexis says it is a Pumpkin Witch! :)
Stay tuned tomorrow for 'Favorite Destination' day as Homecoming week continues!...as well as more Halloween decor pictures as I complete it all! :) :)

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