Monday, September 26, 2016

September is winding down

This is the last week of September and I have already been gearing up for October!

There is supposed to be cooler weather by the end of the week and I have already started putting out my Halloween decorations! {pictures of that coming soon!} :)

I do love Fall! :)

What we have been up to lately as September is ending!...

I just had to post more pictures of cheer because Alexis and her stunt group are just doing sooo awesome together! They have worked so hard and have really come together as a team and shown that they are the best stunt group that we have!
So good!
Sunday we had lunch after Church at Solid Rock and someone has recently painted this on the side of the building and I just think it is super cool! :)
And not only is Alexis doing awesome in cheer....but also working hard at math. I have to say, this year is tough...............but she is pulling through! :)
Today is Monday and marked the 1st day of Homecoming week! {The high school has their Homecoming game Friday night!} so today is 'color' day for each grade! Lily's grade all wore green and Alexis' grade all wore yellow! :)
Tomorrow is 'scrabble day' where everyone wears the letter of their first name. Lucy {Lettie's Mom} made some super CUTE shirts for them to wear that looks like a scrabble blocks. Cant wait for them to wear them!

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