Friday, February 24, 2017

Are we in February?

This week....whew....

to say every day may not be good but there is something good in every day....

is an understatement!

To say that this week has had beautiful weather though {in the high 70's/low 80's} has been great but so weird with it being February!

So, to say Im glad this week is done and today is Friday....whew, thankful!

We have a very full day ahead of us tomorrow from morning to night and then a fun Sunday coming so I am looking forward to the weekend!

Alexis is spending the night with Caroline tonight so Tyler and I enjoyed a Lily night by taking her to dinner and then to Wal-Mart where she got to pick out a surprise! She chose Ice-e Pops! No toys for her...she wanted a treat! :)

Since we were down one child tonight...I did some straightening up and take a wild guess where I am?!?!
A closer look......
A different view..........
Lily's room! OH MY goodness, you would think a bomb went off! I asked her if she even knew what all was in that drawer and that she needed to clean it up and close it. She says, as a matter of fact to me... 'Mommy, I know where everything is....and I need ALL of this stuff!' :) I am not at all surprised coming from the girl that can pack a bag with 10,000 items all the while it is busting at the seems...but some way...some how, she gets it to zip!!! :) Oh Lily! :)
Then, I walk into Alexis' room...... and this girl is on a whole different spectrum! She knows exactly, too, where everything is....and needs everything in her room too! :)
This girl..........has every.single.thing. perfectly in line and in its place!
You move 1 thing from her room....................... I DARE you...................... to move 1 thing from her room.....
you will see what happens when you do! :) :)
On another note............this week, this melted me! There was a little girl sitting by us {who was around 7 but she was tiny} that Lily thought was her age. She was reading a book to her Mom. Well, Lily comes over to me and asks if she can go get her books from the car so she can read! {Mind you...she can't read yet} but OH...that little girl..........would NEVER known Lily didnt know how to read!! Lily had all those books and 'read' out loud{mind you} :) When she was done 'reading' all of them, she looked over at me and said... 'Okay, Mommy, I am done reading for the day!' It cracked me up!
And...then this afternoon...she asked me if she could go get a book and show Daddy how she has learned to read and how well she reads! So, after he got out of the shower.....she read to her Daddy!
I cant wait until she actually can read. She is such a determined little girl that it will be no time that she really will and she is going to be so proud of herself!
And today...helped end the week on a great note! I went to KittyStone and did the annual 'Germ' speaking with Missy and Tammy. I love to go and see the sweet kids...especially the ones I know! This group was super special because it was a lot of Lily's friends and they kept saying 'You are Lily's Mommy....I know you, you are Lily's Mommy!' :) Lily should have been with this sweet group but since she missed the age cut off by only 12 days....I get to do the 'Germ' lesson with her next year! :)
While we were in Wal-Mart after dinner tonight.....I heard a little girl yell to her Mom, 'Mommy, she taught me how to wash my hands today and showed me how much germs I have on me!' I dont even remember seeing her....but she remembered me and yelled it across her Mom was looking really confused! :)

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