Sunday, February 12, 2017

Love and friendships!

We wore our red today since the day 'of love' is in two days!

We had a full day of Church, met Andrew, Gran and Ben for lunch and then did the usual groove of a Wal-Mart run and math tutoring in the mix.

The girls were also really excited to work on their Valentine's to their friends!

The smiles on their faces as they wrote 'To and From' made my heart smile too! :)

We kicked off more of the weekend with Alexis going to Carli's 9th birthday party! She had a blast with all of her sweet friends!
 Happy birthday Carli! Cant believe how fast these girls are growing up!
 Movie night party was a hit! Alexis spent the night with Carli after the party and even though it didnt work out with Callie staying at our house...Alexis stayed at Carli's! :) Per Alexis...she didnt go to sleep until 1am!
So in between Church...and math tutoring, Alexis took a good 2 hour or so nap today! :) :)
 My wearing red...Valentine girls ready to take the day, starting with heading to Church!
 Then...time to work on the Valentine's!
 Lily did so good writing her name on hers!
 I love how she drew a heart beside her name because she saw Alexis doing it! :)
 Alexis is the most organized person ever! She added her additional friends on her list to make sure she covered everyone...and did it all soooo neatly and checked everyone off the list to ensure she didnt skip anyone!
 Then after writing all the names, it was time to stick them on the candy!
 Two worker bees!
 Once they finished them all, they put them in their Valentine tins. Of course Alexis kept out the friends that are not in her class so she could give them to their easier! :) They both are SO excited about their Valentines parties that will be Tuesday too!

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