Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Heart day!

Even if it was a regular ole Tuesday...

today was the 'day of love' and even if we didnt do anything over the top, being with my little family of four was the perfect day!

With heart day being on Tuesday......the girls had to get the most out of their Valentines shirts! To throw in tights with 'LOVE' on it...makes it even cuter this week!
How does she look 25?!?!
And today is the day! This one was sooo excited about the day of love and spreading the love by giving her friends their sweet treats! She has such a giving and loving heart!
Sweet sisters!
Crazy craziness today giving 145 3rd graders a HUGE bowl of ice cream FILLED to the rim {if not over the rim} :) of toppings! Their faces were priceless watching them eat and enjoy the Valentine ice cream party! Us Moms gearing up for the mass to takeover after this picture was taken! :) :)
I hate this picture is blurry, but love this little girl with my whole heart! I know she knows, without a doubt, how much I love her and enjoy helping at her school and seeing her sweet friends!
Imani came home with us today since duty calls even if it is Valentines day! Gym class was still in full effect! :)
Love seeing the sweet Valentines and goodies that the girls bring home! Makes me happy!
LOVE this! She made it herself and was soooo happy and proud to give it to me!
This is the sweetest! When I was walking into the school today, Caden just happened to be walking out of the bathroom. He came running over to me saying 'Mrs. Amber, I got Alexis a Valentine! I got her a cute teddy bear that I think she will love, I got her a heart chocolate box with a lot of candy and I got her a BIIIIGGG Hershey kiss too! I had to put it at her desk since I had to go back to my class and I havent seen her so I hope she likes it!' {Talk about my heart exploding that my daughter has this sweetest little guy telling me this!!!} {Even though....I am perfectly fine with NO boyfriends...and 'boys are just friends' right now situations!} :) :)  I gave him a big hug and told him what a sweet gentleman he is and he just lit up! It was the sweetest thing and I will be A-OKAY if I could put arranged marriages into affect and set it up for them! :)
Then when I got home, that is the first thing that Alexis showed and told me about! She wrote him the sweetest little thank you card to give him!
It was the sweetest thing!!
Of course...I am not surprised that she requests McDonalds for her 'fancy' Valentines dinner! So, she got it................and we compromised and we got Momma G's while Alexis was at gym! {Dont worry, we were back in the McDonald's drive thru for Alexis too when she was done! :)
I would say heart day was perfection! The girls came home and after bath/bed routine...they both curled up and requested to watch the movies their Daddy got them in their beds! Lily got Mary Poppins from her Daddy and Alexis got another set of American Girl movies! Tyler and I caught up on our missed episode together of The Bachelor while they enjoyed their movies! Ahh...nice! :)

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