Saturday, February 4, 2017

Two dancing beauties!

Each year....both girls grow and just get more beautiful each and every day!

I LOVE to see how much they change and see them transform even more into just beautiful girls!

Today marked another year under both girls belts as ballerinas!

They both looked so beautiful and graceful today!

I can not wait to see this shine on stage again this year during their recital coming up!

This little one had pictures first! She is growing up right before my eyes soooo fast!
Little ballerina!
So beautiful!!
Love her!
Her sweet little class. I hate that I couldnt get a better view for a picture. This is the best I could get but look how sweet they look!
Ballerina sisters!
The most beautiful girls in the world!
This is my favorite picture!
She is grown! How!?!?!
She looks 25! She is sooo excited to get her jazz costume in and I cant wait to see pictures of her in that outfit too when the time comes!
Alexis' sweet ballet class! I hate that it is kind of blurry but that all look so cute!
It felt like we spent half the day doing pictures and then got home in time for Daddy and them to hit the park and practice soccer. These two girls can go from super girly to sporty in a second. They had fun practicing making goals and kicking the ball today too!
Next up...Tyler is grilling out burgers as the girls are playing in Alexis' room today and actually playing nicely together! :) Perfect Saturday!

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