Tuesday, February 7, 2017

This and that...and that cat!

Today marked Alexis getting back in the groove of cheer gym.

She was tight and nervous to pick it all back up but she gained her confidence back quickly!

Overall I think she will have her back walkover by herself in no time!

I let Lily go tonight because she has been begging to do gym too....

and...let's just say, she wont be back for awhile!

That girl and her attention span....

as well as her lack there of .....of having strength...just combines to make it where she needs to wait a little while before she gets in the groove of cheer. She tried hard though {for the most part} and she had a great time with the 'big girls!' :) And....she look adorable trying too! :) :)

Lily worked hard....when she worked! :)
She got so excited when Miss Paige would 'throw' her backwards! :)
Practicing to learn a cartwheel. Both Miss Paige and I can not figure out how best to teach her to do it since she is left handed. She kept going/leaning on her right leg and then would switch.....so I am not sure if it is age that she needs to just gain the understanding of what to do or if it is going to be hard in the future to teach a left handed person how to do something the 'right' way when she wants to do the opposite hand/way of what she is more dominate with. To say I am confused and cant wait to see how she masters this as she is older is an understatement! :)
Victorya and Carmen came too and along with Alexis.....and Lily, they all did great tonight!
OOHHHH!!!......she just needs to do it already!! She is sooo close.....
We got home....ate dinner, got baths and then this cat curled up with his favorite person. He has missed her while she was being a 'cheerleader!' :)

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