Saturday, February 11, 2017

Today was great....tonight was a bust!!

We had a busy and fun, full day of birthday parties!

Both girls have been asking me for weeks now for when this day was going to get here!

Lily has been dying for Abby Grace's party to get here...

and Alexis has been for Carli's!

Callie came home with us after Abby's birthday party and had a great afternoon. Lily and her played and played and colored and played games and shopkins and 'cooked' in the kitchen...and made me cupcakes made with ketchup! They had a blast!

We enjoyed Yamoto because both of them requested and begged to go there after we dropped Alexis off at Carli's house for her 'movie night' 9th birthday party! {and to spend the night with her after}


Lily just cant hang!

Neither of my girls stay up late...

so, at about 9:15 Lily came to me and said she had cleaned up the whole playroom and that she was tired!  {for Lily to actually clean up the playroom.........SAYS something!} Usually Alexis is the one cleaning it up by herself as Lily does one toy every 15 minutes or so!

Well, I told Lily to go finish playing...

and about 10 minutes later she came to me again and said she was ready to go to sleep!


then it happened.... for Callie to be the first friend for Lily to have over for her first 'friend spend the night party'..... just busted!

Callie wanted to go home. She said she couldnt sleep anywhere without her Mommy and since I knew Carrie wouldnt be coming over to crawl into bed with them....... I knew we had to take  her home! :)

Lily was upset and I had to get her because she looked over at Callie and said 'So youre not my friend anymore because you dont want to spend the night with me?' I had to explain to her that Callie has never spent the night away before {besides at her grandparents house} and it wasnt because she wasnt having fun, or didnt want to be her friend, she just missed her home.

So, Lily gave Callie a hug and Tyler took her home.

Literally by the time he got back home...he went in to tell Lily goodnight and she was already passed out!

She was not kidding when she said she was tired and ready to go to bed!

Maybe we can try it again for Callie and she will stay next time! ..... maybe! :)

Sweet friends had a blast swimming! Perfect party for an unpredictable 'winter' month!
Sweet friends!
This is the only picture I got! :(  They both LOVE Yamoto so Tyler and I had a date night with them and let me tell you....these two are a mess together! They were singing and dancing to the music that the restaurant had playing and telling each other 'secrets' and just laughing and being silly!
Once we got back home...they played so well together! I love to see Lily's sweet little friendships starting to bloom!! :) :)

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