Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wordless Wednesday!

 I absolutely LOVE looking at the changes from year to year! :) The furthest I could find was 2010 though. :(

Circa 2010- I LOVE THIS!!!!

Circa 2011

Circa 2012-We were technically 'homeless' this year so no Valentine picture with the normal 'theme' of signs, etc because all of our things were boxed up as we were waiting to find a home in this picture will have to do for 2012 since it was taken around the time of Valentines. :) {And...yes, Alexis has a bruise on her forehead} :)

 Circa 2013
This picture cracks me up because I distinctly remember Lily trying her best to pull it from Alexis so she couldnt hold it and Alexis was trying her best to keep it and smile at the same time! Hence why Alexis has a death grip on the sign and why Lily is looking determined!
Circa 2014
Circa 2015

 Circa 2016
 Circa 2017

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