Sunday, February 26, 2017

Gearing up!

It is that time...

one of our favorites...

Gamecock Softball time! Softball season is gearing up! Whoo hoo!

First home games kicked off this weekend and so we had to make sure we were in on the action!

You could not have asked for a more perfect day for some softball today!

After Church we grabbed lunch really quick and then headed to the JSU vs Southern Miss game.

There was a slight chilly breeze while we were at I told the girls to dress warm for the game.


The entire stands were thinking like us....

and BOY were we all wrong! It was HOT!

Everybody was stripping off clothes!

Who gets a suntan in February?????...

well, everyone did today...but me...

I got burnt red! :) :)

JSU played a great game but came out with a loss. :(

We finished off the awesome weekend with playing outside until we couldnt play anymore, enjoying Andrew stopping by and eating pizza! Alexis threw in some math tutoring to cap it off perfectly! :)

This picture of Lily cracks me up! Her face looks super tiny with those huge sunglasses on! This picture was taken right when we got there so it was pre feeling the warmth! Right after this...the sweatshirts came off!! :)
What a beautiful day!
Lily decided she wanted to do some drawing and writing during the game in her Daddy's lap!
When came home...and the girls ran and threw on shorts and we continued enjoying the day! :)

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