Saturday, February 25, 2017

Divided and conquered!

We divided and conquered today from Oxford to Gadsden!

It was on the chilly side today {even though it was in the 60's} just because it has been in the high 70's earlier in the week but still a beautiful day to be out and about!!

Alexis had a blast spending the night with Caroline. She thinks she is SO cool and big to get to hang out with Caroline's older brother {Trent} and his sweet girlfriend Mallory. I saw this picture from Leyla and I realized....Alexis is not wearing her clothes! She must have raided Caroline's closet and asked to wear her shirt to go to dinner and bowling! Oh goodness!
Tyler and I divided and conquered today so as he headed to Lily's little friend MacKenzie's birthday party at the Anniston Museum....Lex and I headed to Jazz pictures! This sassy thing struck this sassy pose and was ready for her Jazz pictures!
Too cute!
Her Jazz class. Most of the class was not able to make pictures because the date was given at such a short notice. :(
Tyler and I got home within 30 minutes of each other. Just in time to distribute laundry from washer to a couple of other an episode of Fixer Upper and then do a couple of flips, spins and turns on Tyler's toy truck...Lily's toy truck before heading to Gadsden for bowling and celebrating Andrew turning the BIG 3-0!!!
Tyler....Lily, thinks it is SUPER cool at how fast this thing will know...since it is Tyler's...Lily's truck!!  :) :) :)
Yep...this guy is 30! Nannie pointed out the nice fact at dinner that.....half his life is now over!! Here's to the next 30 years Andrew! Happy birthday! I hope the next 30 is your best and happiest yet!!  :) :)
We had a great time bowling! Ty won the 1st game and Andrew won the 2nd! Poor Alexis...and Gran....were dead last! :)
Lex did a toss up between using the 'bowling slide' and throwing the ball between her legs! :)
Lily was a pro today! :)
We enjoyed dinner and cake {complete with the happy birthday song} before heading home and crashing! :) :)

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