Sunday, April 30, 2017

Around the world!

I feel like I have been 'around the world' this weekend....

but that is okay with me because it has been a great one and full of fun memories!

We kicked off the weekend with none other than soccer practice on Friday!

Both girls took on soccer as Tyler and I enjoyed the sunshine and the fact that the week was done! Ha!

Then yesterday was filled with soccer games, a trip to Lowes, a trip to Big Lots, a trip to Anniston, a trip to Harbor Freight, all before Caroline came over to spend the night with Alexis and before the Ray's came over to eat dinner and hang out with us!

It was a paaackkked full day!

Today was filled with Church, lunch, a trip to Caroline's, a trip to Sara Kate's, another trip back to Caroline's and Sara Kate's followed lastly by back to Church! ha!

 Whew! :)
 Alexis has been soooooooo ready for Caroline to spend the night. It was all.she.talked.about! They spent the entire time in her room....doing snapchat videos and pictures of themselves since Caroline has an account....
so...they were quiet!... :) :)
Little miss Lily...just doesnt understand that she isnt 'big' like them and it breaks her heart!...but...poor thing...she hopefully will figure it out sooner rather than later for all of our sake!
 Then the twins came! Lily was in Heaven because she got to be the 'big' girl! It made her day! :)
Dinner time! We had salad, salmon, macaroni salad, cracked pepper corn and roasted sweet potatoes! YUM!
These two wanted to eat outside and enjoy the afternoon!
 Then we hit the front yard! Kids everywhere! :)
 And today, after Church we had lunch with Gran, Ben and Andrew. Caroline was excited to go to Church and lunch with us. Well, Sara Kate asked that Caroline and Alexis could come over and swim so after lunch I took them over. Poor Lily...again....had to face facts that she isnt 'big' so she didnt get to swim........but totally made up for it by jumping on the trampoline with water! Her exact words were....'Mommy!!! Jumping on the trampoline with water is waaayyy 'more better' wet! This is sooo much more fun than what Alexis is doing!' So, she was just fine having fun at home with us! :)
 I ran and picked up Caroline and took her home...rushed back home and Alexis jumped in the shower and we made it back to Church just in time for dinner and the Andy Griffith show! The youth put on dinner and a show to raise money for their summer trip and they did a great job!
I told Alexis that her face is going to freeze like this because here lately....she has been making a face like this all.the.time. Goodness me...............   :) :)
I dont think I have sat down all day to actually 'rest' until now {and it is 8:30pm} but that is okay with me. It is the 'stage of life' that I am in right now...and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Life lately!


April has just flown by! I cant get over how we only have a couple of days left in April!

It has been a great month and I LOVE how Spring has sprung! :)

School, dance, and most other activities, like SLAM on Wednesdays...and gymnastics are winding down......

and ahhhh....

I am ready to slow down! :)

Soccer is still in full gear! What a beautiful day to practice!
These two have been sassier than ever. Spring fever is in full that what you call it?!?! :)
Their Vocabulary Parade is coming up so they have been working on making their words they chose so they can be ready for it! Alexis' word is 'Temperature' and Lily's word is 'Flower.' This will be Lily's fist parade! :)
We have been soaking up Spring and enjoying the beautiful weather..........and excited that Summer is sooo close! :)
Life lately this week...the girls have been riding....
and scooting too! :) :) Summer.....can NOT get here fast enough! :)

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wordless Wednesday!

{Picking and eating honeysuckles while in your pajamas before bedtime!} :) :) :)

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Big 35!

So WOW.....yesterday marked the big 35 for me!

It is soooo hard to believe that I am 35 because I literally used to think that 35 is soooo old! I did! I think to myself how crazy it is that I thought that because it isnt 'old' at all! I have friends that are in the mid 40's and that isnt 'old'

It blows my mind when I see people like my ring bearer {Matthew} going to his Prom and think 'wow', they are all growing up and getting old....yet, Im not! ha! I dont feel 'old' either! BUT............ask Lily and Alexis!! They both say I am! :)

I had a great birthday day yesterday by spending the whole day at the soccer field followed by a great family dinner at Cheaha Brewing Company!

It was a great day to kick off year 35! I am truly blessed and thankful for where God has lead me in my 35 years and look forward to where my path still leads!

A little flashback for you all to 'baby' Amber! :) :)
I was just born! :)
Tiny baby!
I was bald for a looong time! :)
My sassy younger self! :)
And...still sassy! :)
And today! Tyler got me a new phone so I am now in the year 2017! I took some pictures on my new  phone but I cant get them off yet because I dont have access to my email account so I just have this picture from my 'grandma camera' that Tyler hates and told me to stop using now that I have a new phone! ha! {I am saying this because it proves my point that I still need that 'grandma' camera because it comes in taking this picture!} :)
We celebrated at Cheaha Brewing Company with a yummy meal and cake!

Picture day and a captain on the soccer team!

Today was picture day for soccer!
My two soccer stars!
 This New York City soccer star loooves soccer!
Number 3!

This Salt Lake City soccer star is loving it too, for the most part! :) She loves her uniform color! :)
Number 9!
Lily's tiny little team! They are so adorable!
Alexis' team!
Lily saw her sweet friend Ryleigh! They are sooo sweet! When they see each other they run up and squeeze each other!
Alexis' little friend group! Bella, Tia and Lex. The only girls on the Salt Lake team! :)
Lily is READY to go! Starting crew!
She played goalie for awhile and did awesome! She was ready for them when they came her way! She loved it! She blocked several kicks!!
Ready to get that ball!
Lex was team captain during her game! She was sooooooo excited and proud!
In action!
They came away with a tough win! Alexis was a lot more into the game and comfortable this time. She is getting used to how to play and how she has to get in there and be aggressive! She even dribbled it down and tried for a goal! Both girls gave it their all today!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Happy birthday to YOU!

Today was a BIIIIIGGGG day!........

Today Daddy turned 35!

YEP, the big 35!

Alexis was quick to write in her card to him................your hair is turning gray! :)

Two little girls were up BRIGHT and early and dressed and ready for when Daddy came out to head to work to surprise him! They just could not wait to surprise him and sing happy birthday and give him everything!
He blew....
and blew out his candles! Good thing I didnt put 35 on there! :) :)
Alexis wrote a sweet card to him! I love her face in this picture as he is reading it!
Big 35! Happy birthday! We love you and are thankful for you too! We celebrated with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi at his choice {Mata's } to eat to cap off his fantastic day!
And how about this!!.............Throwback to 5 years ago! My goodness.....time has flown!! Look how little the girls were!...and Tyler looks so 'baby' faced! :)
And...they looked so cute this morning that I took some pictures of them before we headed to school! :)
Little Missy! :)
She is growing up soooo fast!

Wordless Wednesday!

{When did this happen?? did it happen so fast?!?!}

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Celebrating Aubie....and surprising Daddy!

Aubie is 3 this week!

So today...we celebrated him!

We love Aubie! He is such a great cat and a great part of our family!

They love their Aubie!
Such a beautiful cat!
Even though it is Aubie's birthday....Tickles got a new present! isnt really new...we have had it a couple of weeks! For a loooong time I kept telling Tyler that I wanted to go on the TV show 'Shark Tank' because I wanted to invent a cat bowl that would automatically open when Tickles was around and that would keep out all the other animals in our neighborhood! I started getting sooo tired of having to buy cat food all the time because we were literally feeding raccoons, opossums, all the other cats that live in our neighborhood, etc! I just knew that I could invent this and we would be rich!! WELL...I decided to 'google' it....thinking no one else had the idea. Well, I was wrong! I LOVE this!!.......even though there are a few things I would change {if I invented it} such as, I would make the bowl part bigger. I would make the sensor on her collar activate to open the lid quicker too. Over all....this thing is the best! It took tickles about 2 weeks to not be scared of it but now she is a pro at it and knows that it wont hurt her and she opens it by herself and doesnt run away! ha!
See it opening for her!..........LOVE!
Doing it all by herself! {For awhile, I would have to pick her up and put her by it and hold her while she ate because she didnt like it and was scared of it when it opened} I think she loves it even more now because she doesnt have to worry about scary critters coming up to the deck anymore!!
And we celebrated this guy tonight too since he has a big birthday tomorrow!! He is always sooo surprised that the waiters sing to him when we are finished eating! Lily and Alexis think it is hilarious when they put the whipped cream on him! He put it on them tonight after too! ha!