Saturday, April 15, 2017

Round 1 of soccer!

We have had a very very busy but super fun day....and the day hasnt even ended yet!

We still have more!

I will do another post of all the fun we had in one day once we get home tonight from Aunt Pam's house. We are cooking out and hiding Easter eggs for the girls with everyone!

So, this post is dedicated to........SOCCER!

Both girls had their 1st games today! I was super sad that I didnt get to watch Lily's because her game didnt get started until really late so I wanted to make sure Alexis got to where she needed to be and ready for her game! It is going to be tough with both girls playing on opposite ends of the fields, but we will make it work!.......somehow! :)

This little soccer girl did awesome during her game! She scored the only winning goal!! Whoo hooo! She knows she is good too...and not afraid to tell you she is also! :) Oh me!
Number 3!
Her little friend Deven! They have become fast friends! She is Coach Aimee's daughter! :)
Warming up!
This cracked me up! This is Lily's team on the sidelines! ha! Oh, this age is funny!
She loves playing!
Ready to score!
Flying by! She is so fast! She had a blast today!

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