Saturday, April 1, 2017

You gotta do the work!

The girls.....especially Alexis....have learned this weekend {more than any lately} that you 'gotta do the work'....and when you put in the work, it pays off!

We celebrated Alexis working so hard and only being 3 points from all A's as well as having the highest averages and bringing all of them up higher this time by her picking Yume! She asked if we could go to the 'place where they cook in front of us!'

And so we did!

The cook asked us if we were celebrating any birthdays and the other people at the Hibachi table and us said no but I spoke up and said that we are celebrating one smart little girl..........

and she just beamed! :) :)

We had some fun shopping and then spent the rest of the afternoon outside practicing soccer, helping Daddy do some yard work, playing with Tickles and jumping on the trampoline of course!

I curled her hair exactly the way she asked me to. She picked out her own 'perfect' outfit that she wanted to wear. She chose everything we did today. She had one special day and said it was the best! :)
Watching the action!
Alexis and Lily said this was their favorite part! :)
Lily brought her baby....McKenzie....with us and she said it was time for her to eat too!
We came home and they got to work! :)
Daddy told them they have to work too! ha!
Getting it done so they could continue playing and jumping!

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