Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Celebrating Aubie....and surprising Daddy!

Aubie is 3 this week!

So today...we celebrated him!

We love Aubie! He is such a great cat and a great part of our family!

They love their Aubie!
Such a beautiful cat!
Even though it is Aubie's birthday....Tickles got a new present! Well...it isnt really new...we have had it a couple of weeks! For a loooong time I kept telling Tyler that I wanted to go on the TV show 'Shark Tank' because I wanted to invent a cat bowl that would automatically open when Tickles was around and that would keep out all the other animals in our neighborhood! I started getting sooo tired of having to buy cat food all the time because we were literally feeding raccoons, opossums, all the other cats that live in our neighborhood, etc! I just knew that I could invent this and we would be rich!! WELL...I decided to 'google' it....thinking no one else had the idea. Well, I was wrong! I LOVE this!!.......even though there are a few things I would change {if I invented it} such as, I would make the bowl part bigger. I would make the sensor on her collar activate to open the lid quicker too. Over all....this thing is the best! It took tickles about 2 weeks to not be scared of it but now she is a pro at it and knows that it wont hurt her and she opens it by herself and doesnt run away! ha!
See it opening for her!..........LOVE!
Doing it all by herself! {For awhile, I would have to pick her up and put her by it and hold her while she ate because she didnt like it and was scared of it when it opened} I think she loves it even more now because she doesnt have to worry about scary critters coming up to the deck anymore!!
And we celebrated this guy tonight too since he has a big birthday tomorrow!! He is always sooo surprised that the waiters sing to him when we are finished eating! Lily and Alexis think it is hilarious when they put the whipped cream on him! He put it on them tonight after too! ha!

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