Saturday, April 15, 2017

Round 2 of soccer....Alexis!

Then it was Alexis' turn for her game!

Alexis, she will get the hang of this thing called soccer! She tried her best today and worked hard today!
Looking good! :)
Our number 9!
The team getting a pep talk!
Girl on the go!
For it to be her first game, she did great. I think she is figuring out that soccer may not be her most favorite thing...but that is what it is all about. Figuring out what you like and what not. If you never give something a chance, you never know! She tried hard today and looking forward to watching her continue to learn the game.............and hopefully enjoy it too! :)
The cheering crew. Andrew was in the empty chair...and Ben was in the car, but we were all there cheering on two little girls! :)
Now on to more fun...and hopefully I can get in bed early tonight! Whew! :)

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