Thursday, April 27, 2017

Life lately!


April has just flown by! I cant get over how we only have a couple of days left in April!

It has been a great month and I LOVE how Spring has sprung! :)

School, dance, and most other activities, like SLAM on Wednesdays...and gymnastics are winding down......

and ahhhh....

I am ready to slow down! :)

Soccer is still in full gear! What a beautiful day to practice!
These two have been sassier than ever. Spring fever is in full that what you call it?!?! :)
Their Vocabulary Parade is coming up so they have been working on making their words they chose so they can be ready for it! Alexis' word is 'Temperature' and Lily's word is 'Flower.' This will be Lily's fist parade! :)
We have been soaking up Spring and enjoying the beautiful weather..........and excited that Summer is sooo close! :)
Life lately this week...the girls have been riding....
and scooting too! :) :) Summer.....can NOT get here fast enough! :)

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