Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Happy birthday to YOU!

Today was a BIIIIIGGGG day!........

Today Daddy turned 35!

YEP, the big 35!

Alexis was quick to write in her card to him................your hair is turning gray! :)

Two little girls were up BRIGHT and early and dressed and ready for when Daddy came out to head to work to surprise him! They just could not wait to surprise him and sing happy birthday and give him everything!
He blew....
and blew out his candles! Good thing I didnt put 35 on there! :) :)
Alexis wrote a sweet card to him! I love her face in this picture as he is reading it!
Big 35! Happy birthday! We love you and are thankful for you too! We celebrated with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi at his choice {Mata's } to eat to cap off his fantastic day!
And how about this!!.............Throwback to 5 years ago! My goodness.....time has flown!! Look how little the girls were!...and Tyler looks so 'baby' faced! :)
And...they looked so cute this morning that I took some pictures of them before we headed to school! :)
Little Missy! :)
She is growing up soooo fast!

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