Sunday, April 9, 2017

Curly haired girls!

This weekend has been filled with races, the Smurf movies, birthdays, sunny weather but soccer!

We were all looking forward to kicking off soccer season but due to the really bad storm we had last week...the soccer fields were still flooded.

We have enjoyed Brandi and Nan's birthday weekend as well as a beautiful weathered days too!

Cocky! We had the Nursing 5K race yesterday! We had a huge turn-out! My friend Jennifer dresses up as Cocky for it since the other people that actually are 'Cocky' was at the Nationals competition. She did an awesome job being him!
A huge crowd for a great cause to support our Nursing students!
Since we didnt have soccer...we hit the shops and a movie! Lily pushed her stroller through the whole Gadsden Mall! She had her twin boy and girl!.........and her cat in its 'cat purse' on her shoulder! She got a lot of looks from everyone smiling at her as she pushed right along!
The cat and the twins enjoyed the Smurf movie with us too! It was such a cute movie!
And today....this girl got in front of the Church and said the scripture and prayer before Dr. Derek did his sermon! She did an awesome job!! She is growing up waaaaaayyyy toooo fast!
Curly haired girls ready to take on the day! :)
Happy birthday to Brandi! We had lunch at the new BLU Chop in Gadsden and it was 'fancy' and good!
Lily was attending to her 'other' baby while we waited to get our food! I hate how my pictures turn out blurry sometimes!
And...happy birthday to Nan also!
Now...we are back home soaking up the afternoon relaxing and watching 'Home Alone 2' of all things as a family! A Christmas movie in April....why not!?!? :)

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