Friday, April 14, 2017

Pre-Easter fun all rolled into this afternoon!

We have had a busy Friday...but it was Good Friday, in more than one way!

Today is Friday but Sunday is coming! I saw this saying on Facebook today and loved it.

Today was a wonderful Good Friday and we have a busy weekend ahead leading to Easter Sunday!

Lily had her Easter egg hunt at school today! She was sooooo excited about it and came home with a homemade basket filled with candy eggs! :)
Two 'Good Friday' girls! :)
And sooooo
Soooo....after soccer practice tonight I decided we would go ahead and do an Easter treat idea that I have seen that looked soooo cute and soooo yummy because even I love homemade rice krispy treats! So, we set out to make rice krispy treat colored Easter eggs!
The idea was great...........................
The girls were soooo excited to make this fun and yummy treat!.........
See those eggs, the instructions called for us to mix and make and then shape the rice krispy treat into the eggs....
Well...needless to was a huge fail and so we didnt conquer eggs..........but we enjoyed our treat anyways! :) :)
Our final product! I dont have a single clue what went wrong...but one thing I do know is that I think something looks sooooo easy when I see it {say on Pinterest} but isnt! Huge fail....but it was yummy and the girls had a blast helping make it! :)
Since we have a huge day tomorrow with the Thompson run, our Church's Easter egg hunt, the girl's first soccer games and then Easter at Aunt Pams, we decided to take on decorating eggs after our fun treat experience!
Yeah...see the cup on the top counter top??, well, it has little clear sugar/crystal type 'salt' {as Lily called it} in it. Well, after me trying to get sticky...STICKY marshmallow dried goo off of everything and unstuck from the bowls and cleaned up, Lily ripped the bag and half the bag of those little 'salt' like crystal things went ALLL over the kitchen floor. So, that was SUPER fun to clean up while the girls worked on their eggs!
But, the fun and memories were made and thank goodness no other 'instances' happened and we conquered bed time routines and the girls hit the sack to get up and ready for tomorrow!
Checking out their final products!!
These are Alexis' favorite! :) She chose 'Emoji eggs!' :)
And Lily's favorite! She chose the shimmery...crystal egg box. I should have known not to let her get that one and choose something else! {Especially as I was cleaning the floor on my hands and knees to see the clear things to get them up!} Alexis let her use some of her Emoji stickers so that made her day!
Fun day with my little family of bedtime for me, whew it has been a day and Im tired! :)

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