Wednesday, April 12, 2017

This tooth!!

This tooth!......

this tooth has been loose and hanging for what seems like a month without it being pulled.

When it first became loose, she didnt want anyone to touch it....

then it became more loose, yet still not allowed to touch it.....

then it started turning brown because it was dying and so ever so randomly she would ask me to try and pull it.

On the 1st never succeed {by the way} on the 1st try.....well, she would say 'okay, you tried' and wouldnt let me touch it after that.

So, it has stayed in her mouth for awhile now with us playing this game of when are you going to get this tooth out of your mouth?!?

And so tonight....this tooth marked history!

It finally came out of her mouth. Daddy actually pulled it and has gotten over his 'Im not pulling any teeth phase' and the biggest of all........

THIS tooth....marked the first tooth that Alexis knew the Tooth Fairy isnt real and knew Daddy and I were the ones giving her the money.

So, we gave her $5 bucks.....she did the honorary 'throwing the tooth away' and called it a night! ha!

My baby is nooooo longer a baby officially.......official!

She took her $5 bucks.....popped it in her piggy bank and headed to bed since it was already past her bedtime!

I can actually say.......I am SUPER glad that I dont have to sneak in her room....sweat to death trying to find the tooth the army crawl hoping and praying that I dont wake her up tonight....but I am also soooo sad that I dont have to do it too! Being a Mommy is hard!

On a different note...........SOOO excited for Brittney and Mitchell on them being parents in November! Found out today we will have a new cousin joining! Welcome to the world of parenting! :) :) :)

She wouldnt let me take a picture of her with her tooth! She said she was too grown for that! BOO! :)
 Soooo.....I got a picture of her gargling salt water to make the bleeding stop! :) :) {I will get a way or the other!} :) :)

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