Sunday, April 16, 2017

He is risen!

What a beautiful Easter day we have had! He is risen from the grave to allow us to be more like him. Are you living your life horizontally or vertically!? Such a great and powerful message today from Dr. Derek! The Church Choir was absolutely beautiful too! So thankful we have found our Church and love our Church family!

So, let me reverse and give you the scoop from the weekend leading up to this beautiful day!
These helpers geared up for the Eye Dash for T-Nash race....bright and early at 6:15 yesterday morning! :) :)
Ready to start the race! Thompson said 'Ready, set...GO!' to the runners and he wanted Lily to stand by him! It was the sweetest thing!
I finally got a chance to catch him! I bribed him that I would take him over to the bouncy house and let him jump if he stopped for a minute to take a picture with me! This little boy is just precious and one strong little man! I pray for him daily through his journey he is on that he continues to be his sweet and strong self!
The FBC Car Show! There were 160 cars in our Church's parking lot! There were some really super cool cars! Alexis and Lily kept saying that they want, that this one....when they turn 16! ha!
So cool!
We headed over to the bouncy houses and fun games to play and get ready for the Easter egg hunt. I found out that they decided to push the egg hunt to a later time so the girls didnt get to stay for the hunt because we had to head to their 1st soccer games of the season. We were all sad to miss it but they both made up for it by playing their hearts out until we had to leave!
Both girls got in this bouncy house {there was more than one} and I headed over to get some cotton candy and some drinks while they were jumping. Next thing I know, I hear...'Mommy!' 'We are sinking!' ha! I look over and see this!
The air portion came undone from the generator and it sank quickly! Alexis was so embarrassed that she was stuck in there! I couldnt help but laugh!
Lily thought it was hilarious! They got it blown back up quickly so they werent 'sinking' long! haha!
Easter fun! Snow cones...cotton candy....lemonade...hotdogs....and more! Right up their alley!
After the girl's soccer games, they went on to Gran's house to play with Andrew and hang out with everyone. Tyler and I came a couple of hours later. When we got there...Alexis was a pro at fishing! She caught her very 1st fish! She caught 3 in total! She was awesome! She didnt want to touch the crickets...or the fish though! Brandon had to help with all of that for her! :) :)
Swinging away! I could have sat there allllll day! Sooooo nice!
Everybody catching up and ready to EAT!
The girl is toooo cool for school! She said the only way I could take a picture of her with this was for her to do her own 'pose' this is what I got! :)
She is a mess! Bunny Lily!
After we ate...we went on a boat ride since the girls decided they wanted to do a 'night' Easter egg that is what we did! So relaxing!
Came back just in time to hide eggs...and these two determined to get more than the other!
Alexis got a little help with finding eggs....
But....Lily got more help! Uncle Richard used a big flashlight to spot out the eggs for her........
So.....needless to say...she won the egg hunt.............NOT to Alexis' liking! She was not happy Lily got more help finding eggs! :)
We came home to two girls sound asleep. The Easter bunny came....and we called it a night! Between Easter baskets from Nan and Gran......the girls score in the Easter basket the Easter bunny doesnt go all out and keeps it simple for the two Law girls! :)
And, today...what a beautiful Easter morning! Such a great Church service with my little family of four!
We enjoyed lunch at Red Lobster and errands before heading home to trampoline fun and relaxing {with laundry} the rest of the afternoon!
What a great day....and weekend we have had!

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