Sunday, April 23, 2017

Big 35!

So WOW.....yesterday marked the big 35 for me!

It is soooo hard to believe that I am 35 because I literally used to think that 35 is soooo old! I did! I think to myself how crazy it is that I thought that because it isnt 'old' at all! I have friends that are in the mid 40's and that isnt 'old'

It blows my mind when I see people like my ring bearer {Matthew} going to his Prom and think 'wow', they are all growing up and getting old....yet, Im not! ha! I dont feel 'old' either! BUT............ask Lily and Alexis!! They both say I am! :)

I had a great birthday day yesterday by spending the whole day at the soccer field followed by a great family dinner at Cheaha Brewing Company!

It was a great day to kick off year 35! I am truly blessed and thankful for where God has lead me in my 35 years and look forward to where my path still leads!

A little flashback for you all to 'baby' Amber! :) :)
I was just born! :)
Tiny baby!
I was bald for a looong time! :)
My sassy younger self! :)
And...still sassy! :)
And today! Tyler got me a new phone so I am now in the year 2017! I took some pictures on my new  phone but I cant get them off yet because I dont have access to my email account so I just have this picture from my 'grandma camera' that Tyler hates and told me to stop using now that I have a new phone! ha! {I am saying this because it proves my point that I still need that 'grandma' camera because it comes in taking this picture!} :)
We celebrated at Cheaha Brewing Company with a yummy meal and cake!

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