Tuesday, February 13, 2018

5 years of a dancing beauty!

This year marks 5 years of Alexis taking dance at Sheila Lindley's World of Performing Arts!

She is such a beautiful dancer! She talks and talks about how she wants to be a dancer when she grows up! How the NYC Rockettes are so awesome! She LOVES jazz...and wants to do more classes, which I may let her the next coming up year. She also wants to do Company next year so that will be exciting!

I just love seeing how much she has grown and changed into such a beautiful dancer!

This year actually marks her 7th year of dancing {which I cant believe} since she took her 1st year {in 2012} in Birmingham and then her 2nd year at her little Daycare!

Circa~2012! Her very 1st year as being a ballerina!
Circa~2013! Her 2nd year of ballet but her 1st year taking it with a lady who came to her new Daycare she attended!
Circa~2014! Her 3rd year of dancing....but her very 1st year at WPA!
Look how little she was! :) :)
 Circa~2015! Her 2nd year at WPA!
Circa~2016! Her 3rd year at WPA! I just loved this ballet costume on her! It was by far my favorite on her!
Circa~2017! Her 4th year at WPA and her 1st year taking jazz! Her new love! Miss Sassy pants got to be extra sassy with her jazz moves so it was right up her alley! :) :) :)
Her ballet costume for year 4! She looked so beautiful!
Circa~2018! Her 5th year at WPA! Yet again....super sassy for Miss Sassy pants! ha! :) The green popped on her!
And....just stunning! Here's to a great 5th year my darling!

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