Sunday, February 25, 2018

Joining the Cast!

Today we had a fun afternoon!

Alexis has decided that she wants to join Cast Kidz and I am so excited for her! It is a production group where they do plays and musicals and I cant wait to see her up on stage shining!

So, since she is starting in March, we wanted to go to one of their performances to see what it is all about! Not to mention we have a good bit of sweet friends that are in it was a 'win-win!'

We had Church and then lunch before coming home for a little bit until we headed to Anniston Performing Arts to see the musical. It was so adorable! Alexis, Lily and I so enjoyed it!

Though this was more for Alexis to see what it was all about and to see what she will be doing once she starts Cast...all the pictures are of Lily and her friends! Alexis was there...and some of her friends were in it...but she wasnt in the picture taking mood today!
So....I snapped some of Lily and her sweet friends!
Lily was SUPER excited when she saw Kelby walking down to come sit by us! She had a girl day with her sweet Mommy so they sat by us during the show!
They all did so good on stage!
Sweet friends! Ryleigh, Lily, Emma and Kelby!
So fun and cute! Cant wait to see Alexis up on stage. Her first performance will be 'The Wiz' ....they are doing the Wizard of Oz next! :) :)

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