Saturday, February 3, 2018

Flipping and swinging in Auburn!

We  had a great little family day yesterday in Auburn!

We have never been to a gymnastics meet before so we thought we would try it out and I am so glad we did!

The girls were out of school yesterday for a teacher in-service day so Daddy and I took off from work and we loaded up early to have a full day in Auburn before the meet!

We did a lot of eating at our favorite, Newks, more shopping, a lot of Auburn sight-seeing before testing out a fun and new sushi place before it all started!

We had a GREAT day!

Take a wild guess at where they are??!!?!
We took a tour of Tyler's old AGR Fraternity house! They were in the Chapter room here! I have to say, I was really impressed with how clean the guys currently there were keeping it clean! was SO quiet there too! For it to be a Friday afternoon....there wasnt much action {which was kind of good considering we had the girls with us!} They thought it was super neat to see where Daddy used to live with he was in College there! :)
The main entry way! Daddy and his two little 'Frat sweethearts!' :) :) many years has it been since our last picture here!!??? We took a walk down memory lane...and it was fun!
Cucumber roll! Her Daddy and her split this! It was for sure a different take on typical sushi! They liked it, okay, but prefer the original, rice, packed sushi best!
And...THIS! OH was delish! Alexis refused to share with the rest of us!.......but we all made her! :)
Then...on our way to watch our Auburn Tigers play!
She is a perfect 10! :)
She didnt know what to think of it all! So fun!
The intro was super cool and fun! They cut all the lights out and had a smoke machine and fun lights and music going as they called all the Tigers out! We loved this!
The Auburn cheerleaders and Tiger Pause even did some things before it all started! Auburn played Florida and BOY...Florida is awesome! Auburn was great...and it was all fun to watch..but Florida blew Auburn out on the Floor routines! Floridas routines were a lot more technical. It was a close score but Florida came out ahead.
Alexis LOVED Auburn's outfits! All the sparkle and shine was right up her alley! We had the best seats right beside the bars. Perfection!
What a great day we had! We love Auburn....and love doing all the fun things in Auburn too! We for sure will be back for another meet! {Can you see the girl in mid flip on the bars as I took this picture?! Super fun!} :)

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