Sunday, February 4, 2018

They are all turning....

I just can NOT believe it!.....

THIS year....

they are ALL turning 10!!


Sweet Payton {my first 'child'} just turned 10 yesterday...he tops off everyone! I just cant believe he is 10! I remember holding him for the 1st time! I remember how him and Alexis just loved each other and played and played together! OH the sweet memories with him while we lived in Birmingham!

And Thursday...Carli turns 10....and then it is just downhill fast after that with the rest of them!.........



We have had a packed full of fun weekend......especially since we turned it into a long weekend with being off Friday! :)

Alexis was PUMPED for Carli's 'Spa and spend the night' birthday party! Carrie had a house full of girls....with Ryan! :) :).....and they had so much fun being pampered and...................staying up until 4:00 in the MORNING! Yeah....WOW! :)
Alexis is still not home yet...Mrs. Holley picked her and Savannah up {bright and early} this morning and Alexis went to Savannah's Church and then after on to Birmingham to watch Kylie compete in her Cheer competition. Then..only to go back to Church tonight before coming home. She is going to be exhausted {especially with going to bed at 4:00am and being 'non-stop' all day} but Im sure Alexis is having a blast! {And...Im sure she slept on the way to and from Birmingham too...since I know her well!} :) :)
And..between us....Daddy and I have the BIGGEST surprise for Alexis for her 10th birthday! I am busting to tell her....and I still have 5 months to keep it a secret! She is going to pass out once we reveal it! It will be a memory maker for sure and I can not wait!! :) :) :)
Just relaxing and getting a facial! :)
A fun and rowdy group of sweet girls! :)
Meanwhile...Lily and I had a girl's night with Mrs. Stephanie, Jaycee and Aly and we had such a great time! We let Jaycee and Lily choose where to eat...........and SHOCKER...they chose McDonalds {insert Stephanie and I were not too thrilled but we did let them choose!} :) We spent 2 1/2 hours in McDonalds {I know..the time flew!} just enjoying the company...laughing and having girl talk! It was a great night...and it was SO nice to get Stephanie out of the house and seeing her smile and have a good time! It was perfect!
Daddy, Lily and I went to Church this morning....then on to some shopping and Top o' the River for lunch before coming home and enjoying the afternoon at home while we still wait on Lex to get home! {and right is 7:20pm} :)
We did some Snapchatting while we were relaxing! Lily just cracks up at all the filters! :) :)

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