Saturday, February 10, 2018

Cheese dip soup...and soccer cleats!

Oh....its Saturday...

a dreary, wet, overcast day...

but we ventured out anyways!

I had to get out of the house because {all before lunch} I had cleaned up...pee, throw up and poop!


I was over cleaning...and wanted to get out! Some creature...not sure what {which makes me mad} pooped on our deck!! YUCK! I am over creatures coming up to our deck! Poor Tickles too that she has to be out there with all of them! So, I scrubbed the deck and gave it all a good bleach and vinegar scrubbing...and then Aubie threw up a hairball....{and everyone in the family refuses to ever clean it up when he does it...because they expect it to be my job!} and then...a certain 6 year old doesnt know who to use just a little bit of toilet paper and therefore overflowed the toilet! Thankfully, NO poop though! :)

So, bathrooms are cleaned, floors are cleaned, rooms are vacuumed, sheets are washed, all clothes are washed and put away, kitchen cleaned, deck cleaned, outside furniture cleaned, Tickles a bath, I survived Aubie getting a bath...and all of the humans cleaned too! ha! Im going to sleep good tonight! :)

So, we ventured out to have a late lunch...and Lily got her soccer cleats for the season! She was SO excited and cant wait for the season to start! We are trying Jacksonville soccer this year so I hope she has just as much fun as she did last year at Anniston PARD!

We also have been enjoying the opening games of the Winter Olympics and watching team USA! Our favorites have been the ski jumping and the sledding! :) Even Aubie stares at the TV watching! It cracks us up because his head darts back and forth as the sled flys down the tracks! ha!

We came home just in time to fold a load of clothes and throw another in the dryer before heading to meet the Rays for dinner!

OH...Cassell was cracking me up with how she ate her cheese dip! OH she had it everywhere...and OH she was eating it like soup! She just scooped and scooped and at each and every scoop, about half of it poured on her shirt and in her lap before it reached her mouth! haha! And..Calhoun....he just kept asking more chips...and more chips...and then would push them all into his cheese dip and wouldnt eat them! He would ask for more...and then push them in too! ha! It was fun hanging out with them tonight ...and catching up with Brandon and Misty! :)

We enjoyed Panda Express before heading to do some shopping which included getting this little one ready for soccer season! She picked out her 'favorite pair!'
This girl! She tore up her cheese dip! She can put it down quickly! :) This picture cracks me up because as I took it...I captured how it all did just what it was doing in the picture....pouring down her shirt into her lap! :)
Her little hands! :) :) :) We soaked! :)
He cracked me up too! He just kept piling them in and not eating them! :) .....but asking for more chips! :)
These two were laughing so hard and thinking the way Cassell and Calhoun were eating was SO funny!
Notice her jeans too...yep...she dropped cheese dip too! Her Daddy asked her how old she is...and informed her....she is 4 years old than the twins! :)
A girl came by and gave them all the Mexican restaurant turned into big play zone at the end! :)
I love watching the two Ray kiddos grow! They are getting SO big!

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