Sunday, February 11, 2018

The BIG 5th year! Dance pictures 2018!

Today marked Alexis' 5th year of dancing at Sheila Lindley's World of Performing Arts!

It is actually her 7th year of dancing but 5th at WPA!

I just love how beautiful my two dancing girls look in their costumes! They both just love dancing and I just love watching them!

Jazz pictures were up first.....and let me tell you...MISS SASSY Alexis could not decide on what sassy jazz pose to did a few! And...I love them all! :)
So cute and fun!
Yep...SASSY! :)
I love doing these of her front...mixed with her back! :)
She is just getting tooo grown! :)
My two dancing Queens!
Her fun jazz class!
Then it was this ballerina's turn!
She wasnt feeling the picture she refused to take a lot of pictures! BOO! :)
So sweet!
Her sweet little class!
And...then ballet picture time...and these are my favorite!!
Just LOVE!
So elegant!
Just beautiful!!
Two sweet friends that have been in the same class for years with each other! Sweet Addison!
Her beautiful ballet class!

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