Saturday, February 24, 2018

Oh what a beautiful day!

The weather...

OH how I wish the weather could stay JUST like it was today!


OH, that would be the BEST!

We loaded up and headed to Abby Grace's birthday party! Lily has been dying to have one of her friends have a birthday party since she keeps saying a lot of Alexis' friends have been having parties that she hasnt been invited to. I think it is sinking in that Alexis has her own friends...and she has her own friends. Finally! Even though...she still wants all of Alexis' friends to be hers too! I hate it for her..but it just doesnt work like that....

SO, Alexis stayed home since it wasnt 'her friend's' party and Carli rode her bike over so they 'hung out' during the party time!

We came home after the party and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon...until it was too dark to see...outside!


A skating party! Lily and Alexis,both, got a pair of skates from Santa a couple of years ago. Well, Lily went to put hers on and they were too small. Sooo....she pulled out Alexis' and they fit! She was pumped! Everyone at the party was super impressed with her because she was SOOOO good skating! She has always been sooo good at ice skating but never that good at roller skating....until today! She was a pro! I dont know if it was because of her 'new' skates...or what but she had so much fun today!
Sweet friends!
 Look at her go! She was awesome out there!
 Lily didnt want to take her skates off...or leave...but everyone else had long past given up on skating and put their shoes back on! They all just walked around with Lily as she skated! haha!
Cake time and singing to the birthday girl! The three amigos had to take a quick picture together! :)
Meanwhile...these two cruised around our neighborhood and thought that they were SUPER cool!
They rode...and rode...and then came back...then needed to go riding again...then came back and then took off again! They had the best day!
After the party...Callie and Jaycee came home with us for a little bit to play since Carli was already over. These three played  their hearts out. They wore themselves out with jumping, etc on this beautiful day today!
Jumping and jumping!
Sweet friends!
Once Carli and Callie had gone home...Lily and Jaycee had a soccer game in the front yard!
Lily practiced her skills! Im looking forward to soccer starting next week! Whoo hoo!! We had the best day....just hanging at home and with friends!

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