Sunday, February 18, 2018

Lickin and kickin!

We have a long weekend since it is President's day weekend and the girls are out of school tomorrow.

Alexis has a dermatologist and orthodontist appointment so we will be super busy catching up on fun things like that since she is out of school!

We thought the whole weekend would be full of rain since the chances were so high....but thankfully, it has been pretty beautiful and so we have gotten to enjoy it....and some sunshine that is finally coming out!

Friday night....Alexis and Lily kicked off the weekend with spending the night with Nan and Pawpaw which meant...Tyler and I had a date night! Whoo hooo! We had dinner and watched a movie. We had heard that we had to see 15:17 to Paris.....


it was a waste of time and money {to be honest} We liked that it was a true story...and that the guys were heros....but it just had no substance. But.....we enjoyed having a date at least! :)

Yesterday we loaded up and headed to another movie {I know..two in the same weekend} to see Peter Rabbit with the girls! It was a cute movie! I was surprised at how much I heard Tyler laughing at it!

We, of course, ate at Moes....did some shopping before heading home to ride bikes and relax the rest of the afternoon before the rain actually came later on!

And today....Church...lunch....a Wal-Mart run....MORE riding bikes....and we left Germania Springs just as the rain started coming! Now...we are all curled up at home...watching the National Geographic channel that has monkies, snakes and beetles on it...while baked potatoes bake and our steaks marinate! EEeekk!! :)

The girls loved the movie!
They also loved that I loaded my purse with candy for them to eat! :)
She matches her baby perfectly! :) :)
Lily with her baby too!
And...on we go! Just a kickin the pedals away!! Lily has gotten soooo good at riding her bike! She still needs a little help to push off and get started....but she is getting it!
Us two! :)
Daddy and his girl!
Alexis wanted me to take a picture of her 'perfect cart-wheel!'
Look at Lily! She was SOOOOOOO proud of herself that she rode all the way to Turtle Lake...with no anything! She is so proud of herself...and it makes me smile!
We didnt see as many turtles as we normally do!.......but we still enjoyed it!
They wanted a picture 'up high!' We have had such a relaxing....slow paced weekend! Perfection!
When we got home from riding...and playing at the park, I gave the girls some raspberries and Nutella...per their request. The raspberries were supposed to be dipped into the Nutella and eaten. Well....I walk into the living room.................and find this.
They were licking their plates...............
they had eaten all of the raspberries by themselves and then decided to lick the Nutella off the plate!
Oh me....with these two! :) :)

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