Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Double Wordless Wednesday!

So...I have a double dose of Wordless Wednesday today! ha!

This was something that cracked me up this week! So, we have had accreditation this week with SACCOCS coming to hopefully have our new DNP program accredited! So, I took it upon myself...along with my fabulous secretary, Christy, to spruce up the lobby of our Nursing building. We hauled huge bags of potting soil, new plants and pots and replanted plants and added the new soil to the indoor planting areas we have. It was A LOT of work! We were both sweating like pigs by the time we were done! So much so...that I had to come home and take a shower and change clothes because I had a 2:00 meeting that I had to go to and knew that I could not sit at that meeting looking like I did! ha! Poor Christy lives in Piedmont so she wasnt able to go needless to say...our co-workers had a great time making fun of us for 'smelling' etc! :) They all loooovveee to mess with me and joke around with me so the next thing I knew...I had this bottle in my office as my 'trophy for being so great!' didnt say 'America's favorite...Amber' on it! ha! I added that and took a picture and sent it to the ones that gave it to me because the joke was back on them! :)
And....this CRAZY bird has been driving me crazy in the past couple of weeks! He kills me. He sits there frozen thinking I cant see him at all! I have no idea how he got it in his head to have this spot as his 'hiding' spot...but sure enough...every night...he is sitting just like he is in the picture up there! He is a pretty little thing with a pretty red chest. I wouldnt mind him up there...if he just wouldnt poop all the time on the deck! I have cleaned up soooo much of his poop! I even put a chip clip up there thinking he wouldnt have room to fit. Well, he bit it and broke it off! I went out...and sure enough..he was sitting back in his spot...with the green chip clip broken on the deck! AND....just last night....he had a girlfriend sitting right under him! She was sitting just as still as him too! Tyler just couldnt believe it when I opened the door enough for him to see out! So....uggh....but funny!
Wordless! :)

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