Monday, April 30, 2018

My office for the day!

OH! Today was glorious!

Not a bad day in the office at all! :) :)

Since we have had SO much going on at work with the tornado, our Dean decided to let us have a 'get away'  for our end of the semester meeting!

It was fabulous!

We have not had very many 'perfect' days lately with the weather,yet, today was SO nice!

The weather was perfect...the company was great, the food was delicious and it was not a bad day in the office at all!
Before pictures of my office for the day....let me do a little bragging for a minute! LOOK! He knows the way to my heart!...............just simply, out of the blue, washing my car for me! Very thankful for this guy!
And this girl! She is a hard worker too and wanted to help wash! She was a great tire scrubber! Lily enjoyed playing in the water as her Daddy sprayed the car off! She did get in on the action once she saw Alexis was spraying this fun looking foam on my tires! She decided she wanted to spray it and it was SO funny watching her do it! ha!
And today, this was my view! A co-worker asked her friend if we could 'borrow' her lake house for the day..........and she said yes! It was SO nice! They had a TON of land and a huge deck that we all brought chairs and just enjoyed the beautiful weather! It was so nice!
Love my co-workers!
This crazy crew!
Such a beautiful day and a great break from the trailer! Now, dont get me wrong...we are making the best of our new situation and the trailers..........but I so enjoyed this more! ha!
Boat ride! It was my first time in Weiss Lake!
So pretty! We were literally the only boat on the water.............I was a random Monday...but it was perfection! And....there was a beautiful waterfall that we rode to until we turned back. Can you see it in the distance in this picture? It was huge!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

I have to say!

I have to say that I am enjoying the fact that we have our Saturdays free this Spring!

Since Lily did soccer at the Community Center, we no longer have games on Saturdays! The Anniston PARD is just now into their game 3 and therefore we would be booked {every Saturday} until the end of May!

Now......we have FREE Saturdays.... and it is glorious...especially on days like today when it was perfect outside!

We made the best of it for sure!

After oil changes and tire rotations, we headed to watch JSU softball play their last home game and then hit Logans for dinner with the Ray family!

Couldnt have asked for a better Saturday of just relaxing at home and playing outside before watching a great game of softball {even though JSU lost} {Boo!}

Thankful for days like this! NO doubt!

Daddy and Pawpaw were able to try and catch a turkey, bright and early this morning. They were unsuccessful but Tyler was just glad to be able to try since he has been so busy working lately!

Once Daddy got home....Alexis and him did more practicing her driving with the this little one played and picked for honeysuckles! 
Then...she played with Tickles and Tickles LOVED it! :)
Then...she climbed a tree! She was a busy bee today!
Then before we headed to the JSU softball game, she hung with me while Daddy and Lex worked on getting new paint as I finished up my oil change! :)
We have had a super laid back but productive Saturday! Lily and her sweet friend Reese enjoying the game together!
I didnt get any pictures of Calhoun, Cassell, Lily and Alexis together...but they all enjoyed running around and playing before heading to eat dinner!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Soaking it up!

Oh, this afternoon was perfection!

Slight breeze................and SUNNY skies!

We came home after Lily's game and soaked it up!

These are the days I am begging for! Late afternoons and perfect weather! WHERE oh where has it been and I soooo hope it comes SOON!

Lily and Daddy did some rounds on the go-cart after the soccer game this afternoon!
Off they go!
Then it was honeysuckle sucking time! ha!
I LOVE that we have them growing where they are! Such a fun memory I have...and one that I hope they remember!
It will crack me up if they pick a whole bunch of them and put them in a huge black trash bag and walk around trying to sell them to our neighbors! ha! {like I did when I was their age!} :) :)
Then...Lex's turn on the cart!
Only this time...........she drove! She thinks she is SUCH BIG stuff that her Daddy is letting her learn to drive it with him! :) :)
He says that she does good driving it that's a good thing! :) :)
OH these nights!!..............Im ready for MORE! :) :)

Do a dance!

Why do you do a soccer dance?!?!?!?!.....

per Lily....

its because you have scored a lot of goals! :)

Tonight marked her last soccer game of the season and she went out on a high note with an undefeated season and scoring the most goals tonight out of both teams!

Super cool...and we all have loved watching her play!

She loves soccer and she is super good at it....even when she wants to do a little dance while she is running down the field! :) :) know...just kicking the ole ball around! :)
And...lottie lottie da....Im kicking it around some more! ha!
We love our #3!
I love the action shots! Look at her go!
Playing tough!
GOAL! She always runs over to us with the biggest smile on her face when she scores! Tonight she scored 4 and it was more than any other player! a little soccer dance!
And...a little soccer dance more!
About to score again!
She has made a really sweet friend with Piper! They were congratulating themselves on being undefeated after the game by picking each other up and hugging! :)
Lily tried her best to pick Piper up off the ground! They kept trying and trying...and falling on top of each other!
The three girls on the team! And let me tell you, they out played all of the boys! Seriously!....they are tough! :)
She beamed when she got her trophy! LOVE!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The year is winding down!

Lily's Kindergarten year is winding down and she has loved it and done so well!

She had her Kindergarten field trip today and was SUPER excited because it was to her most favorite place...The Imagination Place!

It was a quick trip and they were back after lunch but BOY she was super excited this morning to get the day started!

Lily's socks! This morning....she wore these socks! Well, the next thing I know, she has them rolled all the way down. It looked hilarious and I wish I snapped a picture of how she looked but she was bound and determined to wear them the way she did despite me telling her that doesnt look right! ha! This picture somewhat shows them rolled. They are not as rolled as they were when she left home this morning but it still cracks me up with how they look in this picture!
Lily loves her sweet friends! Jaycee and Callie!
I love this little friend of Lily's..........Mrs. Elyse is just precious!
And today. We celebrated our student worker, Mikeya, leaving us since she is graduating. thing I know...the waiters are singing and putting something on top of my head! I was totally shocked and my co-workers totally got me! Too funny! Never a dull moment with them!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wordless Wednesday!

Today's Wordless Wednesday comes in a form that isnt so 'wordless' but more of 'thankfulness' for the girl beside me in the picture who is now my secretary! Now, Tricia is missed and so since she has moved on with our department, Christy has joined our work family!

Today we celebrated her and 'Administrative assistant' day!

And...yes, we are in our trailer....with our lovely new decor in the background........and I am sporting my new flamingo shirt that I just had to HAVE because it goes perfect with our trailer theme! ha!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Just what the doctor ordered!

So, Tyler and I took off...

to Auburn....

and it has been glorious!

No kids {sorry girls!!}.....

and it has been great! :) :)

Nan and Pawpaw helped take the girls off our hands for a couple of days since to help us celebrate our birthdays and just to have a break!

With the tornado...trying to get our house situated...and just life in general...OH, it has been nice to just relax!

Relaxing....such a great word!

We have eaten good...shopped alot...relaxed alot...and just spent time with each other! It has been overdue and much needed!

We popped to Auburn yesterday and will head back home tomorrow! As I type this right now...I am curled up in the hotel room at Grand National with the sliding door opened hearing the waterfall from the pool and feeling the great spring breeze! Ahhhh..............nice! :)

Happy birthday to Tyler and I! :) :)

Our view from our balcony today! view this afternoon! Yesterday we did most of our fun shopping {we have certain places we love to shop at while in Auburn}...and we ate a 'fancy' dinner since it was my actual birthday day at 'The Hound.' It was delicious! Today we hit some thrift stores...and then lounged this...the rest of the day!........with an occasional dip in the hot tub!
My exact spot at 6:12pm on April 23, 2018 :) Perfection! :) :)
Tomorrow we will be back to reality....but OH, I am soaking this up while I can!

Meeting Kennedy!

We met Kennedy Saturday!

Oh so precious!...........and OH, she is a twin to her Momma! :)

Nannie with her Great Grandchildren! LOVE!
Mal meeting Kennedy!
So sweet! So glad we got to meet her and cant wait to watch this sweet baby grow!

Its wedding day!

Saturday was THE day!

It was beautiful.....and a perfect day....and the sweetest...and I could go on and on...........

just LOVE!

Meg did an AWESOME job on the girl's hair! She was done.....with both of about 20 minutes! I have now hired her for ALL....future pageants, dances, proms...and weddings! :) :)
Lily's turn!
Hanging out with one of their favorites while getting ready! It was the sweetest....Alexis told Margie that she wanted to be JUST like her when she grows up!...but that she will be taller! bahaha! :)
I am SO thankful that my girls have such great role models to look up to in Mal, Meg and Margie!
THIS sassy GIRL! I told her to turn around and smile for me to take a picture.....and she busted out this move/pose! ha!
She said...'this is my model look!' OH me! :)
About to head out on the trolley through downtown Birmingham! All of the Bridal party {including me...I was babysitter! :) :)} headed out for pictures throughout the city! So fun...but SO hot on that trolley! :)
How OLD is she?!?!?! She was SOOOOO excited to have finally moved up from flower girl to junior bridesmaid! :)
Love them alllllll!
Oh my Blakester! I have missed him! He is one of my most favorite people on this planet!
THIS girl!! we are waiting at the Redmont hotel downtown on Mal and Bill to be finished with their 'first time seeing each other'......for some pictures....well, she decided that her flower basket needed some real flowers in it instead of the fake petals she had! I grabbed her basket to find that she had been SUPER busy with pulling almost allllll the flower petals from the hotel's flowerbed! OH took awhile to get all those pulled petals out from them being stuck to the fake ones! Such a mess! :)
The happy couple!
This little one! OH I love!
The whole gang! God has blessed me with two of the most beautiful daughters ever! Makes my heart explode!
She was SO proud to be up there!
Her beautiful cake!
TIME to eat! Whew, I....along with these two were ready for some food! :)
I just love this!
Their first dance! So happy for them!
And then more fun began! Bill took Lily to dance! She couldnt get that smile off her face!
She spun...and spun...and spun around! :)
And...then Lex's turn...she couldnt get the smile off her face too!
Bill grabbed me next...and I couldnt get the smile off my face either! Such a fun night! All of us girls had so much fun on the dance floor! I grabbed Lily for a dance to 'My Girl!' :)
We spun too! :)
OH...what a night...and loved all the memories that were made!