Saturday, April 14, 2018

What we've been up to lately!


what have we been up to lately?.....

a whole bunch of stuff! :)

We have managed to celebrate two birthdays lately....Brandi's and Nan's!....threw some soccer practice, The Wiz practices and rehearsals, a soccer game, school, work, tests, homework, dance classes, and 3 performances {so far} into the past week!

Whew! :)

Some how...I have managed to fold a load or two of laundry....keep our house somewhat presentable...finally got all the sticks and limbs out from our yard....and cleaned out my car in the mix! :), I cant tell you when I have had time to do that...I have felt like the most unhealthy person, ever, here lately with just grabbing food when we can!

Oh well, this is the time we are in of our lives right now...and I wouldnt have it any other way!

Alexis has been rocking The Wiz every night! She is loving it and has loved being on stage the past 3 nights! I love how they all do this circle, in the picture, and go over 'pointers', pray, and just boost each other up! Before they drop hands, they all say 'Break a leg!' and then do a spin and drop hands! It is super fun and cute! :)
Daddy and Lily have been doing alot of this together this past week! Eating at different fun places while Lex and I are at The Wiz! They have had alot of Daddy/Daughter bonding time!!
She is a mess!............and LOVES this soup! :)
Super jealous that they had Moes one night! Tyler's burrito is bigger than Lily's head! ha!
And tonight we met at Los Mex before Tyler and Lily split off from us and went home while Lex and I headed to the Oxford Performing Arts Center for tonight's performance! Talk about SURPRISING Tyler! OH, I got him! What is thought he was 'slick' and warned me to not say anything to our waitress.....well, little did he know....I had already told her! So, when they came a singing...........he was totally surprised! What's funny too, is..Los Mex does a totally different song than the typical birthday song all the other Mexican restaurants we were all a tad confused at what they were singing him and not to mention, they had some weird sounding instruments they were playing as they sang also that made us all laugh!
Lily was SOOOO confused as to what they were singing! She knows the 'feliz cumpleaƱos' song...but not what they were doing! She was trying to figure it out! ha!

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