Saturday, April 28, 2018

I have to say!

I have to say that I am enjoying the fact that we have our Saturdays free this Spring!

Since Lily did soccer at the Community Center, we no longer have games on Saturdays! The Anniston PARD is just now into their game 3 and therefore we would be booked {every Saturday} until the end of May!

Now......we have FREE Saturdays.... and it is glorious...especially on days like today when it was perfect outside!

We made the best of it for sure!

After oil changes and tire rotations, we headed to watch JSU softball play their last home game and then hit Logans for dinner with the Ray family!

Couldnt have asked for a better Saturday of just relaxing at home and playing outside before watching a great game of softball {even though JSU lost} {Boo!}

Thankful for days like this! NO doubt!

Daddy and Pawpaw were able to try and catch a turkey, bright and early this morning. They were unsuccessful but Tyler was just glad to be able to try since he has been so busy working lately!

Once Daddy got home....Alexis and him did more practicing her driving with the this little one played and picked for honeysuckles! 
Then...she played with Tickles and Tickles LOVED it! :)
Then...she climbed a tree! She was a busy bee today!
Then before we headed to the JSU softball game, she hung with me while Daddy and Lex worked on getting new paint as I finished up my oil change! :)
We have had a super laid back but productive Saturday! Lily and her sweet friend Reese enjoying the game together!
I didnt get any pictures of Calhoun, Cassell, Lily and Alexis together...but they all enjoyed running around and playing before heading to eat dinner!

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