Sunday, April 15, 2018

That's a wrap!


And just like that,

her first production is over.

She is a STAR in our book. She has loved every minute of it...but whew, we are tired! We came home this afternoon and crashed! After 4 shows, I know one girl that wanted her bed! :)

Alexis had her cheering squad tonight since it was her last performance to help cheer her to the end!

We all enjoyed watching her shine up on stage and cant wait for Peter Pan in the next couple of weeks!

These fabulous group of kiddos worked so hard all week and did such an awesome job on stage! They rocked their last show this afternoon!
 During intermission....Daddy got a shot with his orange haired girl! Yeah....she could have done without coloring her hair today...but she asked since another friend brought it! I held her off the other least! :)
 Pawpaw messing with Lex during intermission! Brandi and Nan coming to watch her shine!
 Gran and Aunt Pam with two munchkins! just so happens to not be in costume though! :)
 My girls!
 The full cast at their last performance!
 Can you spot my munchkin!?! :) We are so proud of Alexis and we all enjoyed watching her shine!

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