Friday, April 27, 2018

Soaking it up!

Oh, this afternoon was perfection!

Slight breeze................and SUNNY skies!

We came home after Lily's game and soaked it up!

These are the days I am begging for! Late afternoons and perfect weather! WHERE oh where has it been and I soooo hope it comes SOON!

Lily and Daddy did some rounds on the go-cart after the soccer game this afternoon!
Off they go!
Then it was honeysuckle sucking time! ha!
I LOVE that we have them growing where they are! Such a fun memory I have...and one that I hope they remember!
It will crack me up if they pick a whole bunch of them and put them in a huge black trash bag and walk around trying to sell them to our neighbors! ha! {like I did when I was their age!} :) :)
Then...Lex's turn on the cart!
Only this time...........she drove! She thinks she is SUCH BIG stuff that her Daddy is letting her learn to drive it with him! :) :)
He says that she does good driving it that's a good thing! :) :)
OH these nights!!..............Im ready for MORE! :) :)

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