Monday, April 23, 2018

Its wedding day!

Saturday was THE day!

It was beautiful.....and a perfect day....and the sweetest...and I could go on and on...........

just LOVE!

Meg did an AWESOME job on the girl's hair! She was done.....with both of about 20 minutes! I have now hired her for ALL....future pageants, dances, proms...and weddings! :) :)
Lily's turn!
Hanging out with one of their favorites while getting ready! It was the sweetest....Alexis told Margie that she wanted to be JUST like her when she grows up!...but that she will be taller! bahaha! :)
I am SO thankful that my girls have such great role models to look up to in Mal, Meg and Margie!
THIS sassy GIRL! I told her to turn around and smile for me to take a picture.....and she busted out this move/pose! ha!
She said...'this is my model look!' OH me! :)
About to head out on the trolley through downtown Birmingham! All of the Bridal party {including me...I was babysitter! :) :)} headed out for pictures throughout the city! So fun...but SO hot on that trolley! :)
How OLD is she?!?!?! She was SOOOOO excited to have finally moved up from flower girl to junior bridesmaid! :)
Love them alllllll!
Oh my Blakester! I have missed him! He is one of my most favorite people on this planet!
THIS girl!! we are waiting at the Redmont hotel downtown on Mal and Bill to be finished with their 'first time seeing each other'......for some pictures....well, she decided that her flower basket needed some real flowers in it instead of the fake petals she had! I grabbed her basket to find that she had been SUPER busy with pulling almost allllll the flower petals from the hotel's flowerbed! OH took awhile to get all those pulled petals out from them being stuck to the fake ones! Such a mess! :)
The happy couple!
This little one! OH I love!
The whole gang! God has blessed me with two of the most beautiful daughters ever! Makes my heart explode!
She was SO proud to be up there!
Her beautiful cake!
TIME to eat! Whew, I....along with these two were ready for some food! :)
I just love this!
Their first dance! So happy for them!
And then more fun began! Bill took Lily to dance! She couldnt get that smile off her face!
She spun...and spun...and spun around! :)
And...then Lex's turn...she couldnt get the smile off her face too!
Bill grabbed me next...and I couldnt get the smile off my face either! Such a fun night! All of us girls had so much fun on the dance floor! I grabbed Lily for a dance to 'My Girl!' :)
We spun too! :)
OH...what a night...and loved all the memories that were made!

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