Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Another 'W!'

Lily and her team pulled another win tonight!

She didnt play as aggressive as she had in her previous games, but she still played great! She scored one goal tonight...assisted with making a couple others...

and her biggest play, tonight, was when she did a back kick to her teammate Cam for him to score a goal! That was really cool play! On our way home tonight...she told us that doing the back kick she did....was 'one of my tricks I like to do!' haha! Oh that girl! :) :)

Nan, Daddy and Pawpaw's cheering section! We missed Brandi tonight! It was a chilly afternoon out on the field today! Burr!!........Im ready for WARMTH!
Gran, Nannie, Aunt Pam and Richard with the soccer girl!
Ready to GO!
Nothing but a blur of fastness!
This big smile came running in excitement to me after she scored her goal! LOVE! :)

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