Monday, April 23, 2018

Just what the doctor ordered!

So, Tyler and I took off...

to Auburn....

and it has been glorious!

No kids {sorry girls!!}.....

and it has been great! :) :)

Nan and Pawpaw helped take the girls off our hands for a couple of days since to help us celebrate our birthdays and just to have a break!

With the tornado...trying to get our house situated...and just life in general...OH, it has been nice to just relax!

Relaxing....such a great word!

We have eaten good...shopped alot...relaxed alot...and just spent time with each other! It has been overdue and much needed!

We popped to Auburn yesterday and will head back home tomorrow! As I type this right now...I am curled up in the hotel room at Grand National with the sliding door opened hearing the waterfall from the pool and feeling the great spring breeze! Ahhhh..............nice! :)

Happy birthday to Tyler and I! :) :)

Our view from our balcony today! view this afternoon! Yesterday we did most of our fun shopping {we have certain places we love to shop at while in Auburn}...and we ate a 'fancy' dinner since it was my actual birthday day at 'The Hound.' It was delicious! Today we hit some thrift stores...and then lounged this...the rest of the day!........with an occasional dip in the hot tub!
My exact spot at 6:12pm on April 23, 2018 :) Perfection! :) :)
Tomorrow we will be back to reality....but OH, I am soaking this up while I can!

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