Monday, April 23, 2018

OH what a weekend!

Not only was the weekend my birthday weekend...

but it was ALSO one of my most favorite people's wedding weekend!

The wedding part blew my birthday out of the water!...........and Im okay with that!

The girls and I loaded up after school Friday and busted a move to Birmingham to start celebrating Bill and Mallory!

Sorry...not sorry for the picture overload that is about to come! :) :)

We got to the Church we had a mini photo session before everyone got there! :) My Lily bug and I!
Us three gals!
Nannie and her two great grandchildren!
Two peas in a pod!!
Practice makes perfect!
The beautiful bride to be................and Vic! haha! :)
Ready for a fun night and dinner!
Love this girl and so proud and excited for her!
The Clubhouse on Highland was beautiful and was a perfect setting for the rehearsal dinner!
Love this family!
Meg and Lily with me! Such a fun and great time!

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