Monday, April 30, 2018

My office for the day!

OH! Today was glorious!

Not a bad day in the office at all! :) :)

Since we have had SO much going on at work with the tornado, our Dean decided to let us have a 'get away'  for our end of the semester meeting!

It was fabulous!

We have not had very many 'perfect' days lately with the weather,yet, today was SO nice!

The weather was perfect...the company was great, the food was delicious and it was not a bad day in the office at all!
Before pictures of my office for the day....let me do a little bragging for a minute! LOOK! He knows the way to my heart!...............just simply, out of the blue, washing my car for me! Very thankful for this guy!
And this girl! She is a hard worker too and wanted to help wash! She was a great tire scrubber! Lily enjoyed playing in the water as her Daddy sprayed the car off! She did get in on the action once she saw Alexis was spraying this fun looking foam on my tires! She decided she wanted to spray it and it was SO funny watching her do it! ha!
And today, this was my view! A co-worker asked her friend if we could 'borrow' her lake house for the day..........and she said yes! It was SO nice! They had a TON of land and a huge deck that we all brought chairs and just enjoyed the beautiful weather! It was so nice!
Love my co-workers!
This crazy crew!
Such a beautiful day and a great break from the trailer! Now, dont get me wrong...we are making the best of our new situation and the trailers..........but I so enjoyed this more! ha!
Boat ride! It was my first time in Weiss Lake!
So pretty! We were literally the only boat on the water.............I was a random Monday...but it was perfection! And....there was a beautiful waterfall that we rode to until we turned back. Can you see it in the distance in this picture? It was huge!

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