Sunday, April 1, 2018

OH what an Easter Sunday!

HE is not here for he is RISEN!

OH what an Easter Sunday it is!

My heart just absolutely burst today as Alexis became a sister in Christ with me and was baptized on this beautiful Easter Sunday!

OH what a day!

Easter ready!
 Dr. Derek giving Alexis a good talk before 'suiting' up and getting ready to go! :) :)
 I can not say THANK you enough to this man, our pastor, Dr. Derek, Mrs. Angie, the Children's Director, and her husband {and Tyler and my Sunday school teacher} Mr. Rick for their guidance, love and helpfulness!
 So beautiful! Tears flowed at this girl and her decision! SOOO proud of her!
Daddy getting ready to help out!
Love my girl!
The cheering section! We all, along with Andrew, Amber and Grey went to eat to celebrate after! :)
My hear burst!
She was so nervous...but, yet, so brave!
Ready to go!
AHH!!!! No words!
What a special time!
And special day!

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