Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Happy birthday to Aubie!

We celebrated with cupcakes, the happy birthday song and blowing out Aubie's candle tonight after Lily's soccer games.....and bath time! :)

We LOVE Aubie....especially Lily. Lily is his 'person.'

They just love each other!

Happy 4th birthday to you Aubie!

Aubie was a little unsure of the candle...and the singing at first! The girls were singing him 'happy birthday' as I took this picture.....and then candle was the type that 'sparks' too...so, yeah, it scared him a little! ha! :)
Him looking at the candle like...'what are they about to do to me!' ha!
Alexis and her wet head since she hadnt dried her hair yet....and the birthday boy with Lily! Happy birthday Aubie!

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