Sunday, September 30, 2018

A Fall weekend with surprises!

Tomorrow is October! I love October....but I really love September and I cant believe it is over already.

My goodness, time really does fly!

We were up and ready to go to Auburn!....well, two of us were....and the other two spent the day with Nan and Pawpaw!
This cutie looked super cute in her Auburn gear!
Orange and blue are her colors!
Two Auburn chicks!
Sooo....who went to Auburn and enjoyed the day.....until the storms came that is! We were talking..and we could not ever remember having a 2 hour weather delay and it all the years we have gone to games! We still enjoyed our day...kid free! :) ....and the 1st half until we left and did some shopping and dinner before heading home. A day on the always a good day...even with some rain! :) two had a great date day! 2nd date in a week! We will take it! :) The girls had a blast with Nan and they were just fine too! :)
This morning...little sassy was ready for Church!
Two sassy chicks!
Big sassy!
Nannie and LaLa surprised us and came over for a little bit! LaLa brought Lily's birthday gift...and she was in Heaven! The BEST tasting cotton candy...and 'unicorn snot' {this really cute and glittery lip gloss} and a really cute water bottle! Right up Lily's alley!
My girls love their LaLa!

The Ville's Homecoming!

We are loving football season so far...especially because the Jacksonville Golden Eagles are undefeated and have been playing some great football!

The weather has been great...the company before the games, for dinner, have been great...the girls having fun with friends have been fabulous! We love Friday night lights!

It takes a village to raise a child! OH my....with dance practice flipping and flopping with times and dates...thankfully Carmen's parents snatched up the other two for us and took them to practice! Whew! They love spending time they were thrilled! :)
Friday night! Whooo hooo! These three were super pumped to be hanging out together!
These two chicks were happier! ha!
After dinner with the Fritts and Adams....we headed to this! Jacksonville Homecoming against Piedmont! WHAT?!?! say!?!?! Yes, we were all thinking somebody was super crazy to have Jacksonville play Piedmont on Homecoming...but we WON! It was a great game too!
These two love running around and having fun together!
Sweet girls! Such a fun Friday night!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

A date night of the BEST kind!

So last night Tyler and I had the BEST date night...along with about 30,000 other people with us! {if not more!} :)

We had dinner at Jeffersons and then hit the Alabama and Friends benefit concert for JSU since all proceeds went towards the tornado, it was a great night!

We had some rain...but based on how the radar looked it was a perfection of a night to have a concert! The storms went away and we enjoyed some great music!

Jamey Johnson, Jason Isbell, The Southern Momma, Charlie Daniels AND Alabama! That is just the ones I knew...there were TONS of other performers that donated their time and music to the cause!

Some of my co-workers and I kicked off the fun day with a great luncheon that we were invited to from the Consumer Services department! Their students have to cook, serve and prepare everything as part of one of their courses for a grade. The chicken pot pie was soooo good! They did a great job and we enjoyed them hosting us!
 When we got there, it was raining some....but for the rest of the night it held off with just an occasional drop or so here and there!
 There was a HUGE crowd!
 These two sat close! We rocked out at Taylor Swift and did it again...even more, to Alabama! :)
 My forever date! We had such a great time!
JSU Strong!
 Charlie Daniels...........81 years old! KILLED it! I did not take this picture...but this was him last night! Amazing!
 LOOK at the CHECK amount! The concert raised that much money! SO awesome! Such a great night! I am so glad Tyler and I went! I debated throughout the whole day if I should try and sell my tickets because the weather was looking so bad and it was already storming. I just couldnt sell them and I am SO glad I didnt because it was totally worth it to go! We had a great time and it was history in the making! For years and years to come, JSU will be known for the tornado that hit on March 19, 2018 and how Jacksonville came together and became bigger, better and stronger! I am so thankful that though we were hit, God had his hand on my little family of four and everyone in Jacksonville that was affected! Thanks to Nan and Pawpaw for taking the girls to eat and to their Church before bringing them home and getting them to bed for us! Couldnt have had a great date night without their help!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wordless Wednesday!

Food for thought!
Wordless! :)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

A Fall Sunday!

I havent taken a picture of the two beautiful Church girls in awhile...

so I snapped a couple to also showcase my favorite decor...Auburn and Fall pumpkins! :) :)

Today has been full of Church...and relaxing...and that's it!

OH nice! :) {Well...throw in some laundry...and some schoolwork and some school reading...but now, that's it!} :) :)

Soooo cutttte!
Please note...she said she can not go to P.E. tomorrow...because 'those' hula-hoops will be there! OH me! :)
Tooooo sassy!!
Fall chick!

Saturday, September 22, 2018!

So...we went to two football games, that we participated in....however sat through one football game in between the two we participated in!....

came home....

watched two football games on TV before leaving for dinner...

went to another football game...while listening to a football game on our phones...

and then came home and watched another football game...

all in one day! :) :)

1st and foremost....I have to point OUT! OH...I love Summer....and okay with Spring...but I LOVE Fall! OH...I love everything...and I mean everything about Fall! Bring on the cooler but still oh so nice weather, pumpkins.....more pumpkins...even more pumpkins....Fall clothes...and more! :)

We, C-Team, supported our GOLD for the Eagles and to beat Childhood Cancer for our sweet T-Nash! We had a big win today against Pleasant Valley! These girls cheered soooooo great too!
Us coaches with them!
Then it was this one's turn! They wore their gold too! They had a BIG win too!
Alexis loves her Carli! She was pumped when she saw that she came to the game! was such a great afternoon/night for some JSU football! Tonight marked our 1st JSU game of the season that we have had a chance to go to! My girls loved meeting a new friend too! My sweet co-worker was there with her daughter and husband! They had fun chatting and getting to know it other! Allie is in 7th and Alexis is in it was sooo funny listening to their conversations! :)
JSU was winning when we left at the 3rd! Talk about the Southerners performing amazing! OH MY! It was a great game...but we were tried...and was dying to get home to play catch up to the Auburn game! :)
{And....side-note...if you are wondering what is on Lily's face {under her eye} she was attacked by a hula-hoop! YEP...I said hula-hoop! The P.E. Coach called me yesterday afternoon and wanted to warn me before I saw Lily...that it looked like she was 'burned' at school..but that she really wasnt! I was like 'WHATTT!?!' She then told me that another 'friend' was hooping and Lily and her....with the hula-hoop collided! I am TOTALLY not surprised by this story...because it is Lily! ha! So...she has been telling everyone that a hula-hoop attacked her at school! OH me...never a dull moment...NEVER! :) :)}
We love watching and hearing them perform! So awesome!

More Friday night lights!

How much football can we pack into one WEEKEND!?!

How many football games can one go to in one WEEKEND?!

Just ask us Law's....

and we will tell you.....A WHOLE BUNCH! bahahaha!

OH, we love Friday night lights! It was a great Eagle win and a great weathered night for some football watching..concession stand eating...friend chatting....friend running around..cheerleader cheering...face painting fun and MORE! :)

Alexis and Lily were recognized on the field again this game for them being in the youth league...with cheer and danceline! I think they are starting to think every home game they should be out on the field! :)
Aria and Lex being too cool! :)
The cool crowd! OH goodness! :)
The littles with the bigs and BOY were the littles excited about being with the Varsity!
The Varsity girls LOVED throwing Lily in the air because she is so little...and fierce and not afraid of anything! :)
Then the 'middle littles' decided to throw Lily in the air too! :) Sweet friends! They practiced this in the Pridgens yard after school and before we left to go to the they HAD to do it with everyone watching! :)
Sweet Lauren and Lily love running around together! The Eagles blew Heflin out of the water! Such a great Jacksonville night!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

TOTALLY surprised!

These three had NO idea a surprise was coming!

So...Lily and I pull up to Java Jolt after cheer practice tonight and she goes...

'Mommy, what are we doing here....are we going to a party?'...'On a school night??!'

{because apparently it was Trivia night at Java Jolt...had no idea so it was crowded}

I was like yep...we are! ha!

So, then we get in there and she sees her friends and gets even more confused! So...we all chat and drink our smoothies and eat..

and the whole time Lily, Hope and Madelyn are wondering why we are there and why I brought in 3 gift bags!

I tell them that it is for Mrs. Emily and its just socks and they all just think that is the dumbest thing on this planet!

So...after about 20 minutes....I tell them to line up and close their eyes! They all are like 'WHAT is going on?!?!'....

And then they open the bags and LOVE the shirts and are just going crazy with how excited they are that we are all going to a concert together and are going to have a girl's day!

So fun and such fun memories!

The countdown is on!

I love how Lily has just as sweet of friends as Alexis! It is neat, to me, to see how both Alexis and Lily have their own set of friends..and how they act with them, etc!
WHAT is it?!?!! bahaha!
Reading...and trying to figure it out!
Madelyn was the 1st to read it and figure it out...and then they all three started squealing! :)
So excited!
So cute and such a fun friends night! :) :) :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wordless Wednesday! BABIES are HEEERRREE!


I have prayed for these babies....cried for these babies and have been WAITING for these babies...


they are HERE! They were born 09/17/ that date will forever me a GREAT day! :)

Doing so well...and sweet Momma is too!

I can NOT wait to meet them!

Sweet Conley and Calvin Hunt were born late Monday and are just perfect! I am SO beyond thrilled for my dearest and sweetest friend ever...Lindsay! I am just busting with happiness for them that God has allowed her and Seth to be a Mommy and Daddy finally!
I can not wait to meet them!! {I know...I just said that!} :) :)

They are in the NICU for a little while...which is perfectly normal for little ones just to help them get stronger! OH...the double sweet cheeks! SO in love! :)
Look at this sweet baby! She hasnt posted, yet, on her fertility page as she wanted me to know before! Talk about TEARS!