Saturday, July 17, 2021

Allll the creatures!

 We have had our fair share of creatures in our backyard...mainly our porch....for years!

5 instances stand out to me and I have ranked them in the order I think is the 'most WOW' to me! ha! Starting lowest to highest...though all of them are just crazy that they have been back there!

5. A huge buck! I will NEVER forget hearing a noise in the middle of the night and getting up to it. When I cut the back porch light on I was amazed at what was standing right out the window from me. Just so peaceful and HUGE! I could not believe something that big with a rack that big was just standing in my yard! It took off quickly and I have never seen it again. It was beautiful!

4. Poop. I heard a noise....but never could see anything that was out there. Well the next day....I went outside and on our chair cushion, that is under our porch, has a huge pile of poop on it. I still to this day have absolutely no idea what did that..........on my chair cushion. It was NOT Tickles because if it was......she lost about 30 pounds that night from the size of what was on it. Shocking!

3. I have two raccoon stories on my countdown actually! Yeah....those suckers are SMART...and STRONG! So my number 3 came last night! Alexis came running into our room about 10:45pm saying there were aliens or some type of creature scratching on her window and trying to get in her room. Well...we cut the light on.............and we were all shocked at the sight!

3 baby raccoons literally trying to climb up the wall and scratching against her door/window! They did sound like aliens jabbering too! They were cute but not sweet and it was comical watching Tyler get them down. He finally did was touch and go during some points :) :) ..............but they were not injured and he took them off and dropped them off somewhere close to Piedmont! ha!

Just crazy! 

2. My next raccoon adventure leads me to number 2! We have always dealt with raccoons and opossums coming up especially because of Tickles food bowl. We did have an electric food bowl that would open and close just for Tickles when her collar got close to the sensor. It was GREAT because we finally stopped feeding the entire neighborhood of cats. Well....the opossums would try and fail...EVERY single time to get her food but they could not ever figure it out and do it. Well.....raccoons............OH my goodness they are strong and smart! We had to bolt the feeder to the deck because they would literally pick it up and walk off the deck with it. They would always drop it trying to go down the stairs...which would wait me up every.single.time. Well, once it was bolted, they would still open the lever door and still get the food. So Tyler put the feeder in a rubber maid container and had it so secure that it was hard for me to take the lid off for Tickles to be able to get to her food!! Well...I heard a noise. {Yeah...its always me hearing alllllll the things. Literally the rest of my family can sleep through trains coming through. I wake up at the drop of everything!} so I cut the light on...and I sat there and watched the fattest raccoon....biggest one I have ever thought to that rubber maid lid...take it off.....and open the feeder lid and sit there and eat Tickles food. It was amazing. He did it like it was NOTHING. was hard for me to open the rubber maid lid because you had to not only remove the clasp on one side {that was hard to do/stuck so you had to knock it to move it} you had to turn around and do the opposite end as well then actually take the lid off to get to the feeder lid, to open it to get to the food! AMAZING I tell you! I just still can NOT believe what that raccoon did!

1. Even after allllll of my adventures in the backyard!...................the number 1 still blows my mind! It all started guessed it............I heard a noise!

I cut the light on and there was this HUGE fox just sitting on our couch/patio furniture like he owned the place! He was crawled right on the chair and was sitting there like a person, like he was just looking out watching the stars! I actually had to slap myself to make sure I wasnt dreaming! I ran and woke Tyler up {to which he was mad at me until he realized what I was showing him!} and we just watched him sit there all comfy with not a care in the world! He didnt look sick at all. The light did not scare him. He finally got up and ran off when Tyler rattled the door and I guess he thought someone was coming for him! I have never seen him again after that night!............thank goodness! I have pictures throughout my blog of the fox....and the damage the raccoon did to the feeder {I just cant find them at the moment} but WOW.........................wonder what we are going to have next!

Stay tuned!  :)  

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